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NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) Collection
Catalog of Images

1050 thumbnail picture
The track of Hurricane Donna as tracked by radar - Photo #11 of sequence Not the first hurricane seen on radar, this was the best tracked at time
1051 thumbnail picture
The track of Hurricane Donna as tracked by radar - Photo #12 of sequence Not the first hurricane seen on radar, this was the best tracked at time
1052 thumbnail picture
The track of Hurricane Donna as tracked by radar - Photo #13 of sequence Not the first hurricane seen on radar, this was the best tracked at time
1053 thumbnail picture
The track of Hurricane Donna as tracked by radar - Photo #14 of sequence Not the first hurricane seen on radar, this was the best tracked at time
1054 thumbnail picture
Aircraft APS-45 radar image of Hurricane Donna. Aircraft located at + mark on photograph near the NE eyewall of the hurricane.
Western Atlantic near Grand Turk Island 1960, September 6, 2215
1055 thumbnail picture
Radar image of Hurricane Donna on its closest approach to Miami illustrating all the features of a classic hurricane.
Near Miami, Florida 1960, September 10
1056 thumbnail picture
Image of PPI scope of SPS-6 radar on the USS MIDWAY showing rare January hurricane northeast of British Virgin Islands. This was hurricane Alice. Monthly Weather Review, August 1962, p. 364.
Northeast of British Virgin Islands 1955, January 1
1057 thumbnail picture
Hurricane Abby approaching the coast of British Honduras. Note the complete eyewall cloud.
Near British Honduras (Belize) July 15, 1960
1058 thumbnail picture
A non-tornadic spiral shaped radar echo is apparent in the lower left quadrant of the scope image. Observed on AFB CPS-9 PPI scope. The spiral echo is about 90 miles southwest of radar location. The set was on long pulse (5 microsecond) and the antenna was elevated 1 degree.
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama 1959, July 1, 1501 CST
1059 thumbnail picture
Photo # 1 Meriden, Kansas, tornado as seen on Topeka Weather Bureau WSR-3 radar. Topeka Weather Bureau WSR-3 radar. The classic hook patterns as seen on radar were indicative of a tornado. However, absence of a hook did not preclude presence of a tornado. This tornado destroyed Meriden, Kansas. Monthly Weather Review, June 1962, p. 236.
Topeka, Kansas, radar observations 1960, May 19 1728-1840 CST
1060 thumbnail picture
Photo # 2 Meriden, Kansas, tornado as seen on Topeka Weather Bureau WSR-3 radar. This tornado passed to the north of the Topeka Weather Bureau radar installation. The tornado destroyed Meriden. Monthly Weather Review, June 1962, p. 237.
Topeka, Kansas, radar observations 1960, May 19 1842-1907 CST
1061 thumbnail picture
A view of the hook echo associated with the Meriden, Kansas, tornado. Observed by the Topeka Weather Bureau WSR-3 radar. Monthly Weather Review, June 1962, p. 236.
Topeka, Kansas, radar observations 1960, May 19 1831 CST
1062 thumbnail picture
A view of the hook echo associated with the Meriden, Kansas, tornado. Observed by the Topeka Weather Bureau WSR-3 radar. Monthly Weather Review, June 1962, p. 236.
Topeka, Kansas, radar observations 1960, May 19 1836 CST
1063 thumbnail picture
A view of the hook echo associated with the Meriden, Kansas, tornado. Observed by the Topeka Weather Bureau WSR-3 radar. Monthly Weather Review, June 1962, p. 237.
Topeka, Kansas, radar observations 1960, May 19 1844 CST
1064 thumbnail picture
Hurricane Carla as seen by WSR-57 radar at Galveston, Texas. Arrow designates location of tornado which occurred near Kaplan, Louisiana. Monthly Weather Review, December 1962, p. 515.
Western Gulf of Mexico, Galveston, Texas, radar. 1961, September 10, 1450 CST
1065 thumbnail picture
The Weather Bureau's first experimental Doppler Radar unit. This radar was a 3-cm continuous wave Doppler unit obtained from the Navy and modified for meteorological purposes.
1066 thumbnail picture
Photograph of the "off-set" PPI radar scope at Orlando, Florida. This was the third time that a hurricane had passed sufficiently close to a radar site to have its structure revealed. In: "Weatherwise," Volume 1, No. 4, August 1948, p. 79.
135 miles SE of Orlando, Florida 1946 September 16 0220
1067 thumbnail picture
Photograph of the radar scope at Orlando, Florida. Squall line in advance of hurricane that was centered 230 miles southeast of Orlando. In: "Weatherwise," Volume 1, No. 4, August 1948, p. 79.
230 miles SE of Orlando, Florida 1946 September 15 1630 EWT
1068 thumbnail picture
Classic appearing tornado hook echo on bottom of thunderstorm in lower left quadrant of scope. Apparently a storm in eastern Colorado or southwest Nebraska as Storm Data shows tornadoes only in that area on given date.
Eastern Colorado? 1983 June 12 1320
1069 thumbnail picture
Squally weather passing by the Wichita radar installation. Extending from just south of Topeka to Oklahoma City. No violent weather reported with this squall line.
Wichita, Kansas 1985 May 07 2222 CDT
1070 thumbnail picture
Structure of a typhoon captured by a Navy ship's radar. This storm was the second tropical storm to ever be observed on radar. In: Hurricane Detection by Radar and Other Means", Vaughn D. Rockney, Tropical Cyclone Symposium, Brisbane , December 1956.
East of Philippine Islands 1944 December 18
1071 thumbnail picture
Exterior view of radio set SCR-584, a mobile radar unit. In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
1072 thumbnail picture
Operating console of Radio Set SCR-584, a mobile radar unit. In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
1073 thumbnail picture
Artist's conception of radar beam pattern of Radio Set SCR-584, a mobile radar unit. In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
1074 thumbnail picture
Echoes from frontal thunderstorms observed from a Radio Set SCR-584 mobile radar unit located at Spring Lake, New Jersey. In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
Spring Lake, New Jersey 1944 July 16
1075 thumbnail picture
Forest fire occurring at location of triangle west of Barnegat City. The large echo to the east of Barnegat City was a large cumulonimbus cloud. In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
New Jersey 1944 July 25
1076 thumbnail picture
Violent thunderstorm activity and heavy rain to the southwest of Spring Lake preceded a frontal passage In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
New Jersey 1944 July 27
1077 thumbnail picture
An artist's rendition of an MEW (Microwave Early Warning system) and Height Finder. The MEW antenna assembly is in the foreground while a British Type 13 Height Finder is in the background. In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
1078 thumbnail picture
A comparison of fixed echoes at the MEW site and precipitation echoes detected to a range of 150 miles. In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
1079 thumbnail picture
Operational layout of an SCR-615B fixed radar unit. In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
1080 thumbnail picture
Operator's console of SCR-615B fixed radar unit. In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
1081 thumbnail picture
Mobile radar set AN/TPL-1 which was designed for searchlight control. Although only having a range of 60,000 yards, it could still give warning of approaching storms and also be used to track upper wind observation instrument packages. In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
1082 thumbnail picture
Radome and shelter for SCR-717B radar unit on top of weather station. The wind vane, anenometer, and theodolite mount can also be seen in this photograph. In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
1083 thumbnail picture
Control and indicators of SCR-717B radar unit as installed at a weather station. In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
1084 thumbnail picture
Approach of a cold front as observed on an X-Band radar set at Boston in July, 1943. This is perhaps the oldest preserved image of meteorological phenomena as observed by radar. In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
Boston, Massachusetts 1943 July 22
1085 thumbnail picture
A time series of the passage of a typhoon relative to a United States naval vessel in late 1944. In: "AAF Manual 105-101-2 Radar Storm Detection," by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, August 1945. Library Call Number M15:621.384 U58r.
East of Philippine Islands 1944 December 18
1086 thumbnail picture
Launching a radiosonde. The man sitting down is tracking the dircection of the balloon with an SCR-658 radio direction finder. In: Flora, Snowden D., 1956. "Hailstorms of the United States. P. 10.
1087 thumbnail picture
Scale model of new radiotheodolites meant to replace the SCR-658 bed-spring type for tracking balloon carried radiosondes.
1088 thumbnail picture
Christmas issue of Weather Bureau Topics with Santa Claus streaking across a weather radar. Cover of "Weather Bureau Topics", Vol. 17, No. 12, December 1958.
North Pole 1958 December
1089 thumbnail picture
Christmas issue of Weather Bureau Topics with Santa Claus streaking across a weather radar. Cover of "Weather Bureau Topics", Vol. 17, No. 12, December 1958.
North Pole 1958 December
1090 thumbnail picture
Hurricane Helene as observed by the Weather Bureau radar at Cape Hatteras. At the time of observation the storm was southwest of Cape Hatteras in the vicinity of Cape Fear.
Cape Hatteras, North Carolina 1958 September 27
1091 thumbnail picture
Antenna for new WSR-57 weather radars, the first of which was to be installed in Miami. In: Weather Bureau Topics, February 1958, p. 27.
1958 February
1092 thumbnail picture
Weather Bureau electronics specialist Thomas D. Whitely working with a new WSR-57 weather radar antenna.
1093 thumbnail picture
Weather Bureau electronics specialist Thomas D. Whitely working with a new WSR-57 weather radar antenna.
1094 thumbnail picture
Radar image showing "bow echo" as squall line approaches Grand Rapids.
Grand Rapids, Minnesota 2003 July 2 21:58 UTC
1095 thumbnail picture
A weak squall line bisecting Georgia from east to west.
Georgia 2003 June 01 0314 UTC
1096 thumbnail picture
A stormy night in Indiana, Kentucky,and Tennessee.
Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee 2003 July 09 2219 UTC
1097 thumbnail picture
A strong squall line with associated gust front (blue reflection) south of strong red and yellow reflections) in northwest Kansas.
Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas 2003 June 12 0236 UTC
1098 thumbnail picture
A good evening not to be sailing south of Cape Hatteras. Squall line with numerous associated bow echoes.
Offshore, North Carolina 2003 June 01 0318 UTC
1099 thumbnail picture
A narrow squall line nearly bisecting Pennsylvania from north to south.
Pennsylvania 2003 June 09 0231 UTC

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