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Guidelines on Overweight and Obesity: Electronic Textbook
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Weight Loss Surgery

Fourteen RCTs compared the weight-reducing effect of different surgical interventions (515-522, 524, 692, 706, 733, 756, 757). One study compared the effectiveness of a very low-calorie diet to surgery (515). Another study compared the effectiveness of horizontal-banded to vertical-banded gastroplasty in a pretreated, very low-calorie formula diet group (516). Six studies compared two or more of the following procedures: gastroplasty (vertical or horizontal), gastric bypass, and gastric partitioning (517-522). Seven studies reported long-term (1 year or more) follow up (515, 517-522).  Two studies looked at comorbidity factors associated with weight loss (517, 519).

Of these 14 RCT studies, the following five were not included because:

  • Two studies looked at the effect on weight loss of jejunoileostomy, a procedure that is no longer recommended; they were not included because of the complications associated with this procedure (692, 706); and
  • Three studies compared the use of the gastric balloon to sham procedures (733, 756, 757); however, this procedure is no longer utilized except in research studies. 
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