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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

IndexCat -- Date Search

Question:  How do I search dates in IndexCat?

To search Date of Publication, use the Date category of Advanced Search. This category limits your search to the publication year.

You can search year in Quick Search but it will treat your search as a number search. You will retrieve publication years and will also retrieve items with the same number anywhere in the record.

Example: A Quick Search for 1892 as a "Keyword Anywhere" retrieves a pamphlet volume whose number is 1892 as well as titles or notes that include 1892.

Selecting Advanced Search/Date category, limits year searches to the year of publication.

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Last reviewed: 28 January 2008
Last updated: 28 January 2008
First published: 11 March 2005
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed