Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5251

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5251

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Table 1. Horizontal positions and ellipsoid heights for 1996, 1998, 2000, and 2005, and ellipsoid-height changes relative to the first measurement of geodetic monuments in the Coachella Valley, California.

[Latitude, longitude, and ellipsoid height are referenced to the North American Datum of 1983. Negative values for ellipsoid–height change indicate subsidence. m, meter, mm, millimeter; ft, foot; —, no data]

GPS Station Monument name Latitude Longitude Ellipsoid height (m)   Ellipsoid-height change from 1st measurement (mm)   Ellipsoid-height change from 1st measurement (ft)
(±0.05 m)
(±0.02 m)
(±0.03 m)
(±0.03 m)
1996 1998 2000 2005 1996 1998 2000 2005
DUNE DUNEPORT Azimuth 33°44’46” 116°16’10” –17.354 –17.371 –17.407 –17.687 0 –17 –53 –333 0 –0.056 –0.174 –1.093
COCH COACH 1931 33°44’25” 116°09’30” 33.427 33.436 33.367 33.212 0 9 –60 –215 0 0.030 –0.197 –0.705
MAGF Magnesium Falls Drive 33°44’11” 116°23’27” 27.742 27.606 0 –136 0 –0.446
MANI Manitou Drive 33°43’11” 116°19’03” 2.962 2.884 0 –78 0 –0.256
OSDO Osage Trail/ElDorado Drive 33°43’06” 116°20’19” 13.484 13.281 0 –203 0 –0.666
R70R R70 Reset 1958 33°40’49” 116°10’26” –54.402 –54.433 –54.471 –54.585 0 –31 –69 –183 0 –0.102 –0.226 –0.600
DEEP Deep Canyon 33°40’21” 116°22’34” 190.409 190.193 0 –216 0 –0.709
5211 USBR 52.11 33°40’17” 116°06’43” –32.682 –32.698 –32.740 –32.822 0 –16 –58 –140 0 –0.052 –0.190 –0.459
54JA Ave 54 and Jackson (old) 33°39’24” 116°13’00” –46.348 –46.392 0 –44 0 –0.144
JA54 Jackson and Ave 54 (new) 33°39’24” 116°13’00” –46.907 –47.219 0 –312 0 –1.024
CAHU Lake Cahuilla 33°38’19” 116°16’25” –30.738 –30.778 –30.815 –31.025 0 –40 –77 –287 0 –0.131 –0.253 –0.942
S753 S753 1945 33°38’13” 116°09’49” –68.190 –68.231 –68.276 –68.292 0 –41 –86 –102 0 –0.135 –0.282 –0.335
PAIN Painted Canyon 33°36’43” 116°00’30” 93.365 93.352 93.318 93.343 0 –13 –47 –22 0 –0.043 –0.154 –0.072
C143 Caltrans 14.3 reset 1994 33°35’54” 116°10’52” –72.025 0 0
C132 Caltrans 13.2 1986 33°34’59” 116°10’54” –74.001 –74.043 –74.260 0 –42 –259 0 –0.138 –0.850
K572 K572 1939 33°34’09” 116°05’42” –91.484 –91.515 –91.523 –91.745 0 –31 –39 –261 0 –0.102 –0.128 –0.856
JOHN Johnson 33°33’03” 116°03’18” –94.146 –94.158 –94.170 –94.173 0 –12 –24 –27 0 –0.039 –0.079 –0.089
C101 Caltrans 10.1 1986 33°32’44” 116°09’16” –50.336 –50.396 –50.419 –50.431 0 –60 –83 –95 0 –0.197 –0.272 –0.312
K70 K70 1928 33°32’09” 116°00’21” –91.483 –91.507 –91.536 –91.715 0 –24 –53 –232 0 –0.079 –0.174 –0.761
P572 P572 1939 33°31’32” 116°06’46” –91.233 –91.259 –91.283 –91.285 0 –26 –50 –52 0 –0.085 –0.164 –0.171
SWC Stormwater Channel 33°31’27” 116°04’42” –100.250 –100.280 –100.300 0 –30 –50 0 –0.098 –0.164
D12T D1299 Tie 33°30’42” 115°55’11” –93.664 0 0
G70 G70 1928 33°30’27” 115°54’51” –93.078 –93.111 –93.103 0 –33 –25 0 –0.108 –0.082
C427 Caltrans 4.27 1987 33°28’25” 116°06’27” –73.183 –73.323 –73.272 –73.466 0 –140 –89 –283 0 –0.459 –0.292 –0.929

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