Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Source and Accuracy Compendium

Each of the U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) performance measures below links to the associated Source and Accuracy Statement(s) for the data used to compute the measure. Note that measures in the form of rates link to two or more Source and Accuracy Statements since they combine data from different sources in the numerator and denominator of the rate. A small number of Source and Accuracy Statements have yet to be completed. They will be added to this compendium upon completion.

Safety Measures

  1. Fatalities per 100 million vehicle-miles traveled
  2. Fatalities per 100 million large truck vehicle-miles traveled
  3. Fatal aviation accidents (U.S. commercial air carriers) per 100,000 departures
  4. Number of general aviation fatal accidents
  5. Train accidents and incidents per million train-miles
  6. Transit fatalities per 100 million passenger miles traveled
  7. Incidents for natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines
  8. Number of serious hazardous materials incidents in transportation

Mobility Measures

  1. Percentage of miles on the National Highway System (NHS) that meet pavement performance standards for acceptable ride
  2. Of annual urban-area travel, percentage that occurs in congested conditions
  3. Average percent change in transit passengers per transit market ( adjusted for employment)
  4. Percentage of on-time flights
  5. Percentage of days in the shipping season that locks are available
  6. Percentage of bus fleets that are ADA-compliant
  7. Percentage of key rail stations that are ADA-compliant
  8. Number of employment sites that are made accessible by Job Access and Reverse Commute transportation services
  9. Number of passengers (in millions) in international markets with open aviation agreements

Environmental Stewardship Measures

  1. On a program-wide basis - acres of wetlands replaced for every acre affected by Federal-aid highway projects (where impacts are unavoidable)
  2. Percentage of DOT-owned facilities categorized as No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP) under the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA)
  3. Number of area transportation emissions conformity lapses, 12 month moving average
  4. Tons of hazardous liquid materials spilled per million ton-miles shipped by pipeline
  5. Number of people in the U.S. (in thousands) who are exposed to significant aircraft noise levels (65 decibels or more)

Security Measures

  1. Percentage of DOD-required shipping capacity, complete with crews available, within mobilization timelines
  2. Percentage of DOD-designated strategic ports for military use that are available when requested by DOD

Organizational Excellence Measures

  1. For major DOT systems acquisitions, percentage of cost, schedule, and performance goals established in acquisition project baselines that are met
  2. Percent share of the total dollar value of DOT direct contracts that are awarded to women-owned businesses
  3. Percent share of the total dollar value of DOT direct contracts that are awarded to small disadvantaged businesses
  4. Percentage of major Federally-funded infrastructure projects that meet schedule milestones established in project or contract agreements, or miss them by less than 10%
  5. Percentage of major Federally-funded infrastructure projects that meet cost estimates established in project of contract agreements, or miss them by less than 10%
  6. Percentage of transit grants obligated within 60 days after submission of completed applications
  7. Number of environmental justice (EJ) cases that remain unresolved after one year

Data Systems Used for DOT Performance Measures and Responsible DOT Operating Administrations

Data Program Operating Administration
Current Employment Statistics Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Form 41, Schedule T100 and T100(f) Air Carrier Data Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Federal Facility Hazardous Waste Docket Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Acquisition Management Database Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)/other OA
Air Traffic and Delay Data Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Aviation System Performance Metrics Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Number of Residents Exposed to Significant Airport Noise Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Highway Performance Monitoring System Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Wetland Impact and Mitigation Data Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Mobile Source Emissions Conformity Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)/Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Project Cost and Schedule Performance Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)/Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Rail Equipment - Train Accident Data Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
Railroad Operations Data Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Employment Site Accessibility Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
National Transit Database and SAMIS Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
National Transit Database Transportation Accessibility Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Rail Station Accessibility Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Transportation Electronic Award Management System (TEAM) Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Transit Safety and Security Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS)/GSA
Port Readiness Reports Maritime Administration (MARAD)
Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Aviation Accident Database National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
Contract Information System Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST)
External Complaint Tracking System Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST)
Hazardous Materials Information System Research & Special Programs Administration (RSPA)
Office of Pipeline Safety Incident and Accident Reports Research & Special Programs Administration (RSPA)
Lock Availability Data Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (SLSDC)

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