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License Verification Line (8:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. and 1:00p.m. to 4:30p.m. Pacific Time) .   .    . (971) 673-2700
By calling this number a person can obtain the following information about any health care provider licensed by the Board: license number, date first licensed in Oregon, expiration date, license status (active/inactive, etc.), a licensee's disciplinary standing with the Board, mailing address, business address, business phone number, date of birth, specialty, and location of patient records. Limited to 3 names per phone call.
Complaint Resource Officer    .   .   .   . (971) 673-2702; or Toll-Free (877) 254-6263 from anywhere within Oregon outside the Portland area
Call the Board’s Complaint Resource Officer if you have questions about when or if you should file a complaint regarding a Board licensee. The Complaint Resource Officer will answer your questions about what constitutes a violation of the Medical Practice Act (state law) and explain how to file a complaint.  If your complaint does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Board, The Complaint Resource Officer may be able to refer you to the appropriate agency or organization.

Health Professionals Program   .   .   .   . (503) 620-9117
All other Information .   .   .   .   . (971) 673-2700; toll-free (877) 254-6263 from anywhere within Oregon outside the Portland area
FAX .   .   .   .   . (971) 673-2670


Page updated: May 16, 2008

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