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Engineering (PES) Professional Engineering Disciplines

Tammy Lindsley
(253) 931-7627

Barry D. Nelson
(800) 241-7246

Professional Engineering Disciplines 

Chemical Engineering (CE):

Includes planning, development, evaluation and operation of chemical, biochemical or physical plants and processes; changes in composition, energy content, state of aggregation of materials, forces that act on matter and relationships are examined and new/conventional chemical materials, products and processes are produced and/or manufactured. It includes but is not limited to planning, evaluating or operation of chemical plants and petroleum refineries, pollution control systems, biochemical processes, plastics, pharmaceuticals, fibers; analysis of chemical reactions that take place in mixtures; determination of methodologies for the systematic design, control and analysis of processes, evaluating economics, safety etc.

The chemical engineering discipline includes, several specialties within the scope of this work; a partial listing is as follows:
  • Biotechnology
  • Ceramics
  • Electronic Components and Chemicals
  • Environmental Control and Clean up
  • Food
  • Petrochemicals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Pulp and Paper
  • Refining
  • Safety Engineering
  • Textiles
  • Other Chemical Engineering Specialties not listed in the Services not Included Paragraph

Civil Engineering (CI):

It includes but is not limited to planning, evaluation and operations of power generating plants, the production, furnishing, construction, alteration, repair, processing or assembling of vessels, aircraft or other kinds of personal property, including heating, ventilation and air conditioning for such vessels and/or aircrafts.

There are several specialties within the civil engineering discipline scope of work. The following is a partial list:

  • Environmental*
  • Geotechnical
  • Structural*
  • Surveying
  • Transportation
  • Water Resources
  • Other Chemical Engineering Specialties not listed in the “Services not Included Paragraph”

Electrical Engineering (EE):

Includes planning, design, development, evaluation and operation of electrical principles, models and processes. It includes but is not limited to the design, fabrication, measurement and operation of electrical devices, equipment and systems (e.g., signal processing, telecommunication, sensors, microwave and image processing, micro-fabrication, energy systems and control, micro and nano electronics, plasma processing, laser and photonics, satellites, missiles and guidance systems, space vehicles, fiber optics, robotics etc.). There are several specialties within the scope of work for electrical engineering. They include:

  •  Aerospace and Electronic Systems
  • Antennas and Propagation
  • Broadcast Technology
  • Circuits ad Systems
  • Communications
  • Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
  • Computer*
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Control Systems
  • Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation
  • Education
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility
  • Engineering in Medicine and Biology
  • Engineering Management
  • Geosciences and Remote Sensing
  • Industrial Electronics
  • Industry Applications
  • Information Theory
  • Instrumentation and Measurement
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Lasers and Electro-Optics
  • Magnetics
  • Microwave Theory and Techniques
  • Neural Networks Council
  • Nuclear and Plasma Sciences
  • Oceanic Engineering
  • Power Engineering
  • Professional Communication
  • Reliability
  • Robotics and Automation
  • Signal Processing on Social Implications of Technology
  • Solid-State Circuits
  • Systems, Man and Cybernetics
  • Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control
  • Vehicular Technology
  • Other Chemical Engineering Specialties not listed in the “Services not Included Paragraph”

Mechanical Engineering (ME):

It includes planning, development, evaluation and control of systems and components involving the production and transfer of energy, with the conversion of one form of energy to another. Mechanical engineering includes but is not limited to planning and evaluation of power plants, analysis of the economical combustion of fuels, conversion of heat energy into mechanical energy, use of mechanical energy to perform useful work, analysis of structures and motion in mechanical systems and conversion of raw materials into a final product, etc. (e.g., thermodynamics, mechanics, fluid mechanics, jets, rocket engines, internal combustion engines, steam and gas turbines, continuum mechanics, dynamic systems, dynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, manufacturing, materials, solid mechanics, reactors, etc.). There are several specialties within the scope of work for mechanical engineering. They include:

  • Advanced Energy Systems
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Applied Mechanics
  • ASME Heat Transfer/K16
  • Bioengineering
  • Design Engineering*
  • Dynamic Systems and Control
  • Electrical and Electronic Packaging
  • Environmental Engineering*
  • Fluids Engineering
  • Fluids Power Systems and Technology Systems
  • Fuels and Combustion Technologies
  • Heat Transfer
  • Information Storage and Processing Systems
  • Internal Combustion Engine
  • International Gas Turbine
  • Management
  • Manufacturing Engineering*
  • Materials
  • Materials Handling Engineering*
  • Microchannel Flow and Heat Transfer
  • Noise Control and Acoustics
  • Non-Destructive Evaluation Engineering
  • Nuclear Engineering
  • Ocean Engineering
  • Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
  • Petroleum
  • Plant Engineering and Maintenance
  • Power
  • Pressure Vessels and Piping
  • Process Industries
  • Rail Transportation
  • Safety Engineering and Risk Analysis
  • Solar Energy
  • Solid Waste Processing
  • Technology and Society
  • Textile Engineering
  • Tribology
  • Other Mechanical Engineering Specialties not listed in the “Services not Included Paragraph”


The following services are not currently being solicited. However, GSA reserves the sole right to include these services under PES at a future time during the period of performance. If GSA exercises this right, it will refresh the solicitation and consider offers from all eligible sources.

1.  Construction and Architect-Engineering Services as set forth in FAR Part 36:  Construction services as defined in FAR 2.101 must be procured in accordance with FAR Part 36, except for Construction Management Services* . Architect-Engineering (A/E) services related to real property, as defined in FAR 36.601-3, are also excluded. If an agency is interested in ordering Construction and Architect-Engineering Services, please contact GSA’s Public Building Service (PBS) on (202) 501-1100 for additional information.

*Note:  Construction Management Services that neither meet the FAR 36.601-3 definition of A/E Services nor the FAR 2.101 definition of construction CAN be performed under all of the SINs of the Professional Engineering Services schedule if it is considered as a commercial item.

2.  Production and Manufacturing: Please note- the manufacture, fabrication, installation or production for the purpose of developing working models or prototypes that may be used for further testing, analysis and evaluation before full scale production begins IS allowed under the PES schedule. The number of prototypes or working models to be produced is dependent upon the ordering activities requirement for testing and analysis. However, the predominate amount of the work on PES task orders should be performed by professional labor categories.

3. Computer Engineering and Information Technology Services:  These services include computer/ software engineering and information technology. If an agency is interested in obtaining these types of services, please look to GSA’s Group 70 schedule for Information Technology or contact the IT Center’s Customer Service at (703) 605-2761 .

4.  Environmental Advisory Services:  Including:

A) Environmental Planning Services and Documentation;

B) Environmental Compliance Services;

C) Environmental/Occupational Training Services Specific to Environmental Planning and Environmental Compliance as Discussed Above;

D) Waste Management Services; 

E) Hazardous Materials Management Advisory Services; and

F) Telephone Advisory Services: telephone assistance with hazardous material spills, poisons, MSDS, and other related services.

For agencies interested in purchasing Environmental Advisory Services, please examine GSA’s Schedule 899 for Environmental Services or contact Customer Service at (800) 241-7246.

5.  Foundations and Landscape Engineering: Please contact GSA’s Public Building Service (PBS) on (202) 501-1100 or visit their website for additional information about these services.

6.  Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Related to Buildings, Structures, or Other Real Property Set Forth for Construction and Architect-Engineering Services Governed by FAR Part 36:  For agencies interested in utilizing these types of services, please contact GSA’s PBS on (202) 501-1100 or visit their website for additional information. Please note- HVAC related to the manufacture, production, furnishing, construction, alteration, repair, processing or assembling of vessels, aircraft, or other kinds of personal property is included within the scope of the PES schedule.

7.  Research and Development as Set Forth in FAR Part 35.  The research and development covered by FAR Part 35 includes open-ended research with no specific deliverables. Please note- research, analysis and developmental work that is linked to providing a solution to an engineering requirement is allowed under the PES schedule.

8.  Surveying as it relates to real property.

9.  Products/Materials Already Solicited Under Other Federal Supply Service (FSS) Schedule Contracts (e.g., information technology, paper, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, laboratory instruments , etc.):  Even though these types of services are not covered by the PES schedule, PES contractors may team across FSS schedules to provide a total solution to agency requirements.