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Grand Canyon National Park
The Guide Newspaper - Translations

From this page you may download translations of the Grand Canyon Guide Newspaper in the following languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish.

All require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing. For best results, we suggest that you download the file to your computer before viewing or printing. 


 汉语语言 The Guide - Chinese Version (10MB PDF File)

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The Guide - French Version - Français
Le National Park Service est heureux de vous fournir cette traduction du journal du parc,
«The Guide». Cette traduction offre des informations générales qui vous aideront à apprécier votre visite du Grand Canyon National Park.

Pour les informations qui changent fréquemment, telles que les programmes actuels de nos gardes forestiers, les heures d'ouverture et de fermeture, et les mises à jour récentes, veuillez consulter le site Internet du Grand Canyon National Park à (en anglais uniquement).

PDF dossier -- French Guide (2.97MB)


The Guide - German Version - Deutsch
Der National Park Service freut sich Ihnen die Übersetzung der Parkzeitung The Guide vorlegen zu können. Diese Übersetzung bietet allgemeine Informationen und hilft Ihnen dabei Ihren Besuch im Grand Canyon National Park zu genießen.

Angaben zu häufig wechselnden Informationen wie aktuelle Ranger-Programme, Öffnungszeiten und aktuellsten Informationen finden Sie auf der Website des Grand Canyon National Park unter (nur auf Englisch).

PDF Datei -- German Guide (4.16 MB)

The Guide - Italian Version - Italiano
Il Servizio Del Parco Nazionale è felice di fornirvi questa traduzione del giornale del parco, "The Guide". Questa traduzione offre informazioni generali che li aiuteranno ad apprezzare la vostra visita del Gran Canyon nazionale Park.

Per le informazioni che cambiano spesso, così come i programmi attuali delle nostre guardie silvicoltori, gli orari d'apertura e di chiusura, e gli aggiornamenti recenti, volete consultare il sito Internet del Gran Canyon nazionale Park a (in inglese soltanto).

Lima del PDF -- Italian Guide (3.0 MB)

Japanese text describes Japanese version of the Guide newspaper
PDF file -- Japanese Guide - (3.75 MB)

The Guide - Spanish Edition - Español

El National Park Service se complace en brindarle esta traducción del periódico del parque, The Guide. En ella encontrará información general que le permitirá disfrutar de su visita al Grand Canyon National Park.

Si desea consultar información actualizada, visite la página web del Grand Canyon National Park en (sólo en inglés).

PDF archivo -- Spanish Guide (3.76 MB)

To download the English language version of the Grand Canyon Guide,
Return to the Park Newspapers Page.

Did You Know?
The elk found within Grand Canyon National Park weigh as much as 1,000 pounds (450 kg), and have been known to injure people who approach them. Never approach wild animals. It is dangerous, and illegal, to feed the wild animals in a national park. Violators will be fined.

Last Updated: July 24, 2007 at 14:10 EST