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Medical Doctor (MD):
A doctor of medicine (allopathic) is a trained physician licensed to practice medicine, prescribe medications, perform surgery, and utilize any of a number of recognized modalities of therapy in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, illness, injury, and physical conditions. Medical doctors utilize knowledge gained in the western tradition of scientific study, observation, and experimentation, including anatomy, cellular biology, chemistry, and other areas. In Oregon, an MD's scope of practice also includes the practice of acupuncture.
Doctor of Osteopathy (DO):
A doctor of medicine (osteopathic) is a trained physician licensed to practice medicine, prescribe medications, perform surgery, and utilize any of a number of recognized modalities of therapy in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, illness, injury, and physical conditions, including the use of manipulative therapy. Osteopathic medicine emphasizes the relationship between the body's nerves, muscles, bones, and organs. The osteopathic philosophy of treating the whole person is applied to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illness, disease, and injury. In Oregon, a DO's scope of practice also includes the practice of acupuncture.
Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM):
A podiatric physician is trained to diagnose and perform medical, physical or surgical treatments related strictly to ailments of the human foot.
Acupuncturist (LAc):
An acupuncturist provides health care using acupuncture and other forms of traditional Oriental Medicine. Acupuncture treats neurological, organic or functional disorders by stimulation of specific points on the surface of the body by insertion of needles. Under Oregon law, the practice of acupuncture also includes traditional and modern techniques of oriental diagnosis and evaluation; Oriental massage, exercise and related therapeutic methods; use of Oriental herbs, vitamins, minerals, and dietary advice.
Physician Assistant (PA):
A physician assistant provides medical services under the direction and supervision of a licensed physician. Within the physician/PA relationship, physician assistants exercise autonomy in medical decision-making and provide a broad range of diagnostic and therapeutic services. The clinical role of physician assistants includes primary and specialty care in medical and surgical practice settings in both urban and rural areas.


Page updated: March 13, 2008

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