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NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) Collection
Catalog of Images

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Hurricane Andrew - Pine trees snapped by force of wind at Pinewoods Villa
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Hurricane Andrew - Homes in Saga Bay area Note debris from storm surge in lower left of picture
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Hurricane Andrew - Six adults crowded into interior closet of this home They all survived
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Hurricane Andrew - Shearwall of apartment building literally pealed off by winds
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Hurricane Andrew - Uneven damage pattern in Lakes by the Bay development
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Hurricane Andrew - Boat damage at Black Point Marina Wind and surge from this Category 4 storm tossed boats about like toys
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Hurricane Andrew - Boat stack storage facility destroyed by wind This structure was built with steel beams Boat damage total from Andrew approached $500 million
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Hurricane Andrew - winds dragged this sailboat inland over marshland
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Hurricane Andrew - A piece of plywood driven through the trunk of a royal palm
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Hurricane Andrew - A 1X4 board driven through the trunk of a royal palm 30 feet above ground level
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Hurricane Andrew - Closeup of 1X4 board driven through the trunk of a royal palm
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Hurricane Andrew - Vehicle picked and deposited on wall and other vehicle Vehicles belonged to CNN reporter and Hurricane Center employee Hurricane Center employee learned of damage to vehicle watching CNN
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Hurricane Andrew - Wind damage to a self-serve gas station in Perrine
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Hurricane Andrew - Remains of a furniture warehouse west of Whispering Pines
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Hurricane Andrew - A large hotel at Cutler Ridge north of Homestead This hotel suffered extensive wind damage
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Hurricane Andrew - A retail store in the Cutler Ridge Mall north of Homestead
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Hurricane Andrew - A damage streak at Naranja Lakes These damage streaks were evident throughout the hardest hit areas
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Hurricane Andrew - A home in Naranja Lakes in which a fatality occurred The home survived the initial impact of Hurricane Andrew Collapse occurred after passage of eye and reversal of winds
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Hurricane Andrew - A home in Naranja Lakes in which four adults survived They took refuge in an interior closet
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Hurricane Andrew - Concrete tie beam deposited on a car
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Hurricane Andrew - Roof trusses in tangled masses were common sight in area
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Hurricane Andrew - Front view of a home in which a fatality occurred A concrete tie beam from another unit crashed through the roof of this home
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Hurricane Andrew - Streamlines of wind flow across this style of roof The resulting aerodynamic lift is displayed by the upward pointing red arrows
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Hurricane Andrew - Long lines waiting for ice ration following Andrew Following major disasters, refrigeration assumes a high priority
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Hurricane Andrew - F-16 in repair shop left behind at Homestead Air Force Base
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Hurricane Andrew - Small planes tossed about like toys at Tamiami Airport
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Hurricane Andrew - Damage was a function of type and quality of construction Country Walk (foreground), mobile home park in center, quality housing (upper)
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Hurricane Andrew - Numerous gabled end roof failures in Countr
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Hurricane Andrew - Despite the devastation folks still had time for humor
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Hurricane Andrew - A house open for inspection by prospective buyers
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Hurricane Andrew - Dadeland Mobile Home Park after passage of Andrew Needless to say, mobile homes are not safe in strong wind events
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Hurricane Andrew - The frame of a mobile home with downs still anchored However, nothing is left to anchor Tie downs are not the answer to resident safety in mobile homes Evacuation remains the wisest option if warned in time to evacuate
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Hurricane Andrew - Concrete block stucco construction survived the winds
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Hurricane Andrew - Note contrast between neighborhoods The difference between good and best concrete block stucco construction Which would you choose?
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Hurricane Andrew - A METEOSAT 3 visible image of Andrew approaching Louisiana
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Hurricane Andrew - The Cocodrie Petroleum Transfer Depot south of Dulac Difficult to tell whether damage from wind or surge Either way, the results are the same Even as a Category 3 storm, Andrew still packed a mighty punch
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Hurricane Andrew - Debris along Highway 57 near Cocodrie Petroleum Depot Several days after storm - debris had covered road surface
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Hurricane Andrew - Home pushed off of foundation and well back into marsh This was several miles north of Cocodrie Damage caused by storm surge and wind acting together
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Hurricane Andrew - The twisted and tangled remains of a radio tower This was north of Garden City on U.S. Highway 90
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Hurricane Andrew - Trees falling damaged homes north of Avery Island Fortunately the residents had evacuated
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Hurricane Andrew - Power line poles snapped by Andrew High profile structures are susceptible to damage in strong wind events
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Hurricane Andrew - Tornadoes accompanied Andrew adding to terror and confusion Tornadoes hit southern Louisiana (14) and Mississippi (25) Tornado at La Place, Louisiana - 2 fatalities occurred in this town
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Ranking and magnitude in dollars lost due to the costliest hurricanes to hit U.S Andrew did more damage than next three costliest hurricanes combined
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Dade County dollar losses from Andrew based on property tax values Values to right represent potential losses if Andrew had hit 15 miles to north
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Number of homeless as the result of Hurricane Andrew Number of potential homeless in Dade County if Andrew had hit 15 miles to north
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Saffir/Simpson Hurricane Scale
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The Johnstown Flood. Compare to image wea00784. This image was altered to make appear to have been taken at Galveston following the great hurricane of 1900. In: "The Complete Story of the Galveston Horror" edited by John Coulter, 1900. P. 312.
Pennsylvania, Johnstown 1889 June
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The Johnstown Flood. Compare to image wea00790. This image was altered to make appear to have been taken at Galveston following the great hurricane of 1900. In: "The Complete Story of the Galveston Horror" edited by John Coulter, 1900. P. 306.
Pennsylvania, Johnstown 1889 June
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The Johnstown Flood. Compare to image wea00788. This image was altered to make appear to have been taken at Galveston following the great hurricane of 1900. In: "The Complete Story of the Galveston Horror" edited by John Coulter, 1900. P. 315.
Pennsylvania, Johnstown 1889 June
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The Johnstown Flood. Compare to image wea00789. This image was altered to make appear to have been taken at Galveston following the great hurricane of 1900. In: "The Complete Story of the Galveston Horror" edited by John Coulter, 1900. P. 307.
Pennsylvania, Johnstown 1889 June

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Publication of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA),
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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007