[NIFL-ESL:8948] Re: PBS THE NEW AMERICANS Newsletter - May 2003

From: Debra Tuler (dejatu@cat4.net)
Date: Mon May 12 2003 - 08:55:00 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:8948] Re: PBS THE NEW AMERICANS Newsletter - May 2003
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Did you know about this grant opportunity?  I haven't actually read it so I 
don't know how feasible it is for us, but thought I 'd pass it along.

Frances Keenan writes: 

> THE NEW AMERICANS e-newsletter - May, 2003 
> Coming to PBS this fall, THE NEW AMERICANS, a ground-breaking television
> series that follows the intimate stories of a diverse group of
> contemporary immigrants and refugees from their homelands to their first
> years in the United States.
> ============================================================ 
> Welcome to the second issue of THE NEW AMERICANS monthly
> e-newsletter-with the latest information on grant opportunities,
> producer notes, PBS broadcast updates and details on outreach resources
> and community planning across the country.  In this issue, you'll find: 
> I. May 30th Grant Deadline
> II. Series Synopsis
> III. Outreach Tools and Resources Update
> IV. What's Happening in Communities 
> To subscribe to the email newsletter, log onto 
> http://www.itvs.org/outreach/newamericans  
> ============================================================
> May 30th is the deadline for ITVS-Community Connections Project outreach
> grant applications for THE NEW AMERICANS.  Grants applications are
> submitted by public television stations in partnership with community
> colleges and other organizations concerned with newcomer issues.  To
> read and download the Request for Proposals, visit:
> http://www.itvs.org/outreach/newamericans, For technical assistance
> contact Jim Sommers, National Outreach Manager, ITVS, 415-356-8383 ext
> 242 or Jim_Sommers@itvs.org.   
> ============================================================
> II.    THE NEW AMERICANS: A Series Synopsis
> ============================================================
> While PBS has not announced a specific Fall 2003 airdate for THE NEW
> AMERICANS, they have determined the series will air in three parts, the
> first two episodes will be two hours and the last episode will be three
> hours.  The following series synopsis will give you a glimpse of how the
> stories are interwoven and some of the common themes that unfold through
> the course of the film.  For a more in-depth description about each
> episode, visit http://www.itvs.org/outreach/newamericans/episodes.html 
> In the first two-hour episode, we introduce three of the five stories.
> These stories begin in Palestine, Nigeria and the Dominican Republic,
> focusing on the forces that bring three different groups of people to
> America-marriage for a Palestinian woman; safety from political violence
> for members of the Nigerian Ogoni tribe; and economic opportunity for
> two Dominican baseball prospects. This episode establishes the sense of
> national identity these characters hold before they find themselves
> transformed into "immigrants."  
> This two-hour episode focuses on the immigrants' separation from their
> homelands and arrival in United States-specifically Chicago and Montana. 
> As the immigrants establish new lives, the major themes are work,
> language and culture shock. A new family from Guanajuato, Mexico, is
> also introduced, led by Pedro Flores, a Mexican meatpacker living
> seasonally in Liberal, Kansas. 
> The final three-hour episode introduces a computer programmer as he
> prepares to leave a lucrative job in Bangalore, India to pursue exciting
> new opportunities in the Silicon Valley.  This episode also explores the
> critical next phase for all of the characters as they continue their
> quest for success.  Will these new Americans find better jobs, happily
> reunite their families and make lasting homes in their new land? 
> ============================================================
> III.	Outreach Tools and Resources Update
> ============================================================ 
> Here are some updates on outreach resources that are available now or
> coming soon. To read more about THE NEW AMERICANS Community Engagement
> Resources or download our brochure, visit
> http://www.itvs.org/outreach/newamericans/resources.html 
> THE NEW AMERICANS series has a companion book. Emmy-award winning
> journalist Ruben Martinez, along with celebrated photographer and
> longtime collaborator, Joseph Rodriguez, have set out to capture and
> contextualize the multifaceted new immigrant experience. To order,
> contact:  W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 500 Fifth Ave., New York, NY
> 10110, Phone: 800-233-4830,
> Fax: 800-458-6515 .  
> ITVS-CCP is developing a New Americans Discussion and Activity Guide for
> educators and community organizations, which will be available in Summer
> 2003.  An overview can be downloaded now at:
> http://www.itvs.org/outreach/newamericans/resources.html.  Click on
> Discussion Guide and Activity Kit Overview. 
> Outreach Extensions partnered with the National Latino Children's
> Institute (NLCI) to develop America, My New Home, a workshop curriculum
> in English and Spanish for Latino parents and caregivers of Latino
> children, particularly Latino immigrants. Curriculum activities range
> from helping participants to reflect on their own journeys, to identity
> poems and assisting young children with life changes. The workshop
> materials include a preview tape featuring Flores family, from the
> series, and one copy of the storybook Un Nuevo Sol/A New Sun. Contact
> Megan Burke at mburke@kpbs.org 
> ============================================================
> IV.	What's Happening:  Community Outreach Updates 
> As you read about what's happening in other communities and become
> inspired about working with THE NEW AMERICANS, please let us know about
> opportunities to highlight the film at conferences or other public
> meetings and workshops.  There are preview tapes available through our
> outreach partner organizations. Send your request to
> Jim_Sommers@itvs.org.  
> WNPT public television and ITVS' Community Coordinator are planning a
> NEW AMERICAN's screening at the Scarritt Bennett Cultural Center's
> annual Celebration of Cultures, an international family festival planned
> for July 11.  Another screening and panel discussion is planned for
> business leaders and human resource professionals who employ immigrants.
> Partners for this event include the United Way of Middle Tennessee and
> the Nashville Public Library.  Discussion is also underway with the
> Refugee Assistance Program in Nashville who has a three-year grant from
> the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement to foster successful
> integration. For more information contact Kelly Brownlee at
> kelbro@bellsouth.net. 
> KCTS public television is planning to conduct a series of America My New
> Home workshops.  To prepare for the workshops, KCTS will conduct a
> "train the trainer" session in late spring.  The station also is working
> with partner organizations Head Start, the United Way Success by 6
> program and the Yakima Valley Migrant Farm Workers Clinic, to
> incorporate the America, My New Home workshop into their existing
> programs. Contact Stephanie Malone, KCTS outreach coordinator,
> 206.443.6770, smalone@kcts.org. 
> In the Silicon Valley, Active Voice's partner, the Citizenship and
> Immigrant Programs of the County of Santa Clara, is working to help
> decision makers learn more about the changing immigrant demographics and
> needs in Silicon Valley (where 60 percent of residents are children of
> immigrants or immigrants themselves). They are partnering with Community
> Foundation Silicon Valley, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and
> Refugees, United Way Silicon Valley, and The Foundation Incubator to
> create an educational forum. They'll feature clips from THE NEW
> AMERICANS and an expert panel to help put a human face on critical
> issues, and energize policy discussions. Contact Kanwarpal Dhaliwal at
> kanwarpal@activevoice.net. 
> ============================================================ 
> Please forward this newsletter to a colleague or community partner. 
> If this issue of THE NEW AMERICANS e-newsletter has been forwarded to
> you, you can subscribe by logging onto
> http://www.itvs.org/outreach/newamericans 
> __________________________________________________________________ 
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> Share a story with a child in your life today.
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