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Standard Review Plan for Transportation Packages for Spent Nuclear Fuel (NUREG-1617)

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Publication Information

Manuscript Completed: January 2000
Date Published: March 2000

Spent Fuel Project Office
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, D.C. 20555-0001

Availability Notice


The Standard Review Plan (SRP) for Transportation Packages for Spent Nuclear Fuel provides guidance for the review and approval of applications for packages used to transport spent nuclear fuel under 10 CFR Part 71.

This document is intended for use by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff. Its objectives are to (1) summarize 10 CFR Part 71 requirements for spent fuel transport package approval, (2) describe the procedures by which NRC staff determines that these requirements have been satisfied, and (3) document the practices used by the staff in reviews of package applications.

This NUREG is expected to be updated on a periodic basis. As issues arise between updates, the Spent Fuel Project Office will issue interim staff guidance (ISG) where the SRP guidance needs revising. ISG's are placed in the NRC public document room and on the NRC WEB for public information. ISG's, as issued, replace specific portions of the SRP. Comments regarding errors or omissions, as well as suggestions for improvement of this NUREG and subsequent ISG, should be sent to the Director, Spent Fuel Project Office, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.

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Friday, February 23, 2007