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Displacement and Fear in Chechnya
An interview with Eliza Moussaeva and Bela Tsugaeva

“Cleaning operations” in Chechen towns

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Eliza Moussaeva:
The cleaning up operations are very terrible in Chechnya. The “cleaning operation” is the so-called checking of passports, but in reality it is a very cruel operation. One settlement can be surrounded by the military. Within several days the soldiers can do whatever they want. They can enter any house and can take anything they like there. They can enter any house and if they don’t want to pick up something from the property they can just shoot or destroy it. They humiliate, insult children, women, and elderly. At the latest stage there is a lot of information about their trying to be cruel towards women.

But the most terrible thing is that they take away the men. It is totally illegal. Because according to the Russia constitution they should follow some procedures. Today unfortunately in Chechnya they don’t observe these regulations. When people try to explain to them: What are you doing? It is illegal. The answer is: what are you talking about, you are Chechens, that’s all. Can you imagine the impression, the state of the child when he sees or she sees when his or her father is taken away by soldiers?

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