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Perfomance Measures Report
The Legislative Assembly, in creating the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE), declared that
"continued growth in demand for nonrenewable energy forms poses a serious and immediate, as well as future, problem. It is essential that future generations not be left a legacy of vanished or depleted resources, resulting in massive environmental, social and financial impact."
The goal of Oregon is to promote the efficient use of energy resources and to develop permanently sustainable energy resources. The mission of the ODOE is to ensure Oregon has an adequate supply of reliable and affordable energy and is safe from nuclear contamination, by helping Oregonians save energy, develop clean energy resources, promote renewable energy and clean up nuclear waste.
ODOE strategic goals to achieve our mission are:
  • Meet a significant portion of Oregon´s incremental energy needs with conservation and renewable resources.

  • Reduce carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels.

  • Prepare the state and counties within 50 miles of an operating commercial nuclear power plant for nuclear emergencies.

  • Reach key cleanup milestones at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.
ODOE´s Executive Management Team is committed to developing and using performance measures to improve its decision-making processes and procedures. Part I of this report provides on overview of how the Department develops and uses performance measures. In Part II, more detailed information is presented on each of the Department´s four key performance measures.
If you would like additional information on how these measures are used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of Department programs and activities in making progress toward achieving the Department´s mission and goals, please contact Mike Auman at Mike.Auman@state.or.us.
Read the Report

Page updated: October 09, 2007

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