Educational Resources

Educated Teamsters are the Cornerstone of a Strong Labor Movement

“When we educate Teamsters, whether it be skills to negotiate or enforce contracts, knowledge of labor law or methods for organizing workers, we strengthen our union and give all workers more tools to win a voice at work and dignity on the job,” said General President Hoffa. “Active, educated workers are the best weapon against the anti-labor forces the labor movement faces today.”

As we endeavor to strengthen our union and tackle the challenges of the 21st century, Teamsters must be well informed about the global nature of our economy and the ever-changing industry issues we face. The  crucial organizing efforts necessary to secure and maintain our quality of life requires that all workers become active in the union and understand the mission, goals, struggles and achievements of the Teamsters as we fight to bring a better life to all working families. 

The mission of the Training and Development Department is to create programs and materials that will build skills and enhance knowledge, as well as foster commitment and dedication within our union. Seminars for members, stewards, business agents, and officers provide the perfect opportunity to build union solidarity, mentor younger members and identify specific concerns of union membership and the labor movement.

 A main objective of the Training and Development Department is to complement the educational strategies many of our local affiliates already have in place, and to build on local traditions and strengths. At the request of principal officers or other elected officials, department staff travel to local unions in the United States and Canada more than 140 times each year to conduct training programs. 

The challenges of the 21st century go far beyond the "bread and butter" issues of the past decades. Good jobs, fair trade, retirement security, health care reform, economic, energy and environmental policies—these are some of the issues that take center stage today. Thoughtful, skilled leadership and strong member participation are critical in this kind of environment.

All Department programs are customized and rely on a lively, interactive format featuring materials written by Teamsters for Teamsters. Please contact the Training and Development Department to discuss your labor education needs and other services that are available.


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