[Federal Register: October 12, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 198)]
[Page 52119-52120]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and 
Integrity (National Advisory Committee); Meeting

AGENCY: National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and 
Integrity, Department of Education.

What Is the Purpose of This Notice?

    The purpose of this notice is to announce the public meeting of the 
National Advisory Committee and invite third-party oral presentations 
before the Committee. This notice also presents the proposed agenda and 
informs the public of its opportunity to attend this meeting. The 
notice of this meeting is required under section 10(a)(2) of the 
Federal Advisory Committee Act.

When and Where Will the Meeting Take Place?

    We will hold the public meeting on December 10, 2001 from 1 p.m. 
until 5:30 p.m., and on December 11, 2001 from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. 
at the Swissotel Washington (The Watergate), 2650 Virginia Avenue, NW., 
Washington, DC 20037. You may call the hotel at (202) 965-2300 or fax 
the hotel at (202) 965-1173 to inquire about rooms.

What Assistance Will Be Provided to Individuals With Disabilities?

    The meeting site is accessible to individuals with disabilities. If 
you will need an auxiliary aid or service to participate in the meeting 
(e.g., interpreting service, assistive listening device, or materials 
in an alternate format), notify the contact person listed in this 
notice at least two weeks before the scheduled meeting date. Although 
we will attempt to meet a request received after that date, we may not 
be able to make available the requested auxiliary aid or service 
because of insufficient time to arrange it.

Who Is the Contact Person for the Meeting?

    Please contact Ms. Bonnie LeBold, the Executive Director of the 
National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity, if 
you have questions about the meeting. You may contact her at the U.S. 
Department of Education, room 7007, MS 7592, 1990 K St., NW., 
Washington, DC 20006, telephone: (202) 219-7009, fax: (202) 219-7008, 
e-mail: Bonnie.LeBold@ed.gov. Individuals who use a telecommunications 
device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay 
Service at 1-800-877-8339.

What Is the Authority for the National Advisory Committee?

    The National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and 
Integrity is established under Section 114 of the Higher Education Act 
(HEA) as amended, 20 U.S.C. 1011c.

What Are the Functions of the National Advisory Committee?

    The Committee advises the Secretary of Education about:
     The establishment and enforcement of the criteria for 
recognition of accrediting agencies or associations under subpart 2 of 
part H of Title IV, HEA.
     The recognition of specific accrediting agencies or 
     The preparation and publication of the list of nationally 
recognized accrediting agencies and associations.
     The eligibility and certification process for institutions 
of higher education under Title IV, HEA.
     The development of standards and criteria for specific 
categories of vocational training institutions and institutions of 
higher education for which there are no recognized accrediting 
agencies, associations, or State agencies in order to establish the 
interim eligibility of those institutions to participate in Federally 
funded programs.
     The relationship between: (1) Accreditation of 
institutions of higher education and the certification and eligibility 
of such institutions, and (2) State licensing responsibilities with 
respect to such institutions.
     Any other advisory functions relating to accreditation and 
institutional eligibility that the Secretary may prescribe.

What Items Will Be on the Agenda for Discussion at the Meeting?

    Agenda topics will include the review of agencies that have 
submitted petitions for initial recognition or renewal of recognition 
or request for an expansion of scope.

What Agencies Will the Advisory Committee Review at the Meeting?

    The Advisory Committee will review the following agencies during 
its December 10-11, 2001 meeting.

Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies

Petition for Initial Recognition

    1. Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (Requested scope of 
recognition: the accreditation of institutions and programs that award 
postsecondary certificates, diplomas, and degrees in the practice of 
massage therapy.)

Petitions for Renewal of Recognition

    1. Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges, Commission on 
Accreditation (Current scope of recognition: the accreditation and 

[[Page 52120]]

(``Candidate for Accreditation'') of Bible colleges and institutes 
offering undergraduate programs.)
    2. American Academy for Liberal Education (Current scope of 
recognition: the accreditation and preaccreditation (``Candidate for 
Accreditation'') of institutions of higher education and programs 
within institutions of higher education that offer liberal arts degrees 
at the baccalaureate level or a documented equivalency.)
    3. American Physical Therapy Association, Commission on 
Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (Current scope of 
recognition: the accreditation and preaccreditation (``Candidate for 
Accreditation'' status) of programs for the preparation of physical 
therapists and physical therapist assistants. Requested scope of 
recognition: The accreditation and preaccreditation (``Candidate for 
Accreditation') of physical therapist education programs leading to the 
first professional degree at the master's or doctoral level and 
physical therapist assistant education programs at the associate degree 
level, including the use of distance education.)
    4. American Veterinary Medical Association, Council on Education 
(Current scope of recognition: the accreditation and preaccreditation 
(``Reasonable Assurance'') of programs leading to professional degrees 
(D.V.M. or D.M.V.) in veterinary medicine.)
    5. Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc., Accreditation 
Commission (Current scope of recognition: the accreditation of clinical 
pastoral education (CPE) centers and CPE and supervisory CPE programs.)
    6. Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (Current scope of 
recognition: the accreditation of nursing education programs at the 
baccalaureate and graduate degree levels.)
    7. Distance Education and Training Council, Accrediting Commission 
(Current scope of recognition: the accreditation of private and non-
private distance education institutions offering non-degree and 
associate, baccalaureate, and master's degree programs primarily 
through the distance learning method. Requested scope of recognition: 
the accreditation of private and non-private distance education 
institutions offering non-degree and associate, baccalaureate, 
master's, and first professional degree programs primarily through the 
distance learning method.)
    8. National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (Current 
scope of recognition: the accreditation of programs in practical 
nursing, and diploma, associate, baccalaureate and higher degree nurse 
education programs.)

Petition for an Expansion of Scope

    1. Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training 
(Current scope of recognition: the accreditation of institutions of 
higher education that offer non-collegiate continuing education 
programs. Requested scope of recognition: the accreditation of 
institutions of higher education that offer non-collegiate continuing 
education programs and occupational associate degrees (Associate in 
Occupational Studies (A.O.S) and Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.))

Who Can Make Third-Party Oral Presentations at This Meeting?

    We invite you to make a third-party oral presentation before the 
National Advisory Committee concerning the recognition of any agency 
published in this notice.

How Do I Request To Make an Oral Presentation?

    You must submit a written request to make an oral presentation 
concerning an agency listed in this notice to the contact person so 
that the request is received no later than November 16, 2001. Your 
request (no more than 6 pages maximum) should include:
     The names, addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers of 
all persons seeking an appearance,
     The organization they represent, and
     A brief summary of the principal points to be made during 
the oral presentation.

If you wish, you may attach documents illustrating the main points of 
your oral testimony. Please keep in mind, however, that any attachments 
are included in the 6-page limit.
    Please do not send materials directly to Committee members. Only 
materials submitted by the deadline to the contact person listed in 
this notice and in accordance with these instructions become part of 
the official record and are considered by the Committee in its 
deliberations. Documents received after the November 16, 2001 deadline 
will not be distributed to the Advisory Committee for their 
consideration. Individuals making oral presentations may not distribute 
written materials at the meeting.

If I Cannot Attend the Meeting, Can I Submit Written Comments Regarding 
an Accrediting Agency in Lieu of Making an Oral Presentation?

    This notice requests third-party oral testimony, not written 
comment. A request for written comments on agencies that are being 
reviewed during this meeting was published in the Federal Register on 
July 13, 2001. The Advisory Committee will receive and consider only 
written comments submitted by the deadline specified in that Federal 
Register notice.

How Do I Request To Present Comments Regarding General Issues Rather 
Than Specific Accrediting Agencies?

    At the conclusion of the meeting, the Committee, at its discretion, 
may invite attendees to address the Committee briefly on issues 
pertaining to the functions of the Committee, which are listed earlier 
in this notice. If you are interested in making such comments, you 
should inform Ms. LeBold before or during the meeting.

How May I Obtain Access to the Records of the Meeting?

    We will record the meeting and make a transcript available for 
public inspection at the U.S. Department of Education, 1990 K St., NW., 
Washington, DC 20006 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday 
through Friday, except Federal holidays. It is preferred that an 
appointment be made in advance of such inspection.

How May I Obtain Electronic Access to This Document?

    You may view this document, as well as all other Department of 
Education documents published in the Federal Register, in text or Adobe 
Portable Document Format (PDF) on the Internet at the following site: 
    To use PDF you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available 
free at this site. If you have questions about using PDF, call the U.S. 
Government Printing Office (GPO), toll free, at 1-888-293-6498; or in 
the Washington, DC, area at (202) 512-1530.

    Note: The official version of this document is the document 
published in the Federal Register. Free Internet access to the 
official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal 
Regulations is available on GPO Access at: http://

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. Appendix 2.

    Dated: October 5, 2001.
Maureen McLaughlin,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Planning and Innovation Office 
of Postsecondary Education.
[FR Doc. 01-25665 Filed 10-11-01; 8:45 am]