Editor: Dave Jacque <>  info@anl.gov

October 12, 1998 -- Some of this week's stories:

Classified Ads
ANews Extra!
News received too late to make the paper edition.
How to submit news, seminars and ads
Argonne's new supercomputer to be dedicated at 'open house'

'Seed grant' preproposals are wanted

Classics, antiques sought for ANL-East car show

ANL-UC scholarship applications being taken;
university plans Oct. 25 information session

EBR-II cooling tower coming down at Idaho site

Lunch seminars can improve work habits, skills

Argonne's new supercomputer
To be dedicated at 'open house'

To meet the explosive demand for scientific visualization and large-scale simulation, Argonne has added the nation's most powerful Silicon Graphics Onyx 2 computer to its arsenal of high-performance computers.

The Onyx 2 will be available to Argonne computational scientists and their colleagues. The 128-processor machine is the largest and most powerful combination of graphics and raw data-crunching power ever assembled by Silicon Graphics, Inc.

The new computer will be dedicated at an 'open house' on Friday,Oct. 16, to which employees are invited.(See story below).

"This new computer will keep Argonne researchers at the leading edge of computational science, pushing the frontiers of science and engineering," said Rick Stevens, director of Argonne's Mathematics and Computer Science Division.

The Onyx 2 expands the current computing environment of Argonne's Center for Computational Science and Technology. The center includes an IBM SP scalable parallel computer and diverse mass storage. Argonne scientists also have access to multimedia devices and both a CAVE and ImmersaDesk virtual reality systems.

One of the first uses of the new machine will be to attack research challenges in computational science and visualization.

The Onyx 2 can support multiple immersive virtual reality systems. Researchers will be able to run their computations on the IBM SP, and use the Onyx 2 to visualize the results in the CAVE or on the smaller Immersa-Desks.

"The Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative has targeted visualization technologies as key to multi-terabyte computing," said Stevens. "Having the Onyx 2 at the laboratory will enable us to help meet the ASCI goals of providing ultra-high-performance graphics and mechanisms for the manipulation of large amounts of data."

In combination with the IBM SP, the Onyx 2 will accelerate simulation model development and applications. Simulation science has been identified by the Department of Energy as one of its principal objectives for the 21st century.

Among the projects planned at Argonne with the Onyx 2 are regional climate modeling, quantum chemistry studies of combustion and modeling of the basis of materials properties based on the physics of atoms.

Employees are invited to MCS 'open house'

Argonne's new Onyx 2 computer will be showcased at the Mathematics and Computer Science Division's "open house" from noon to 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 16, in Argonne-East's Building 221.

To help manage the flow of visitors through the building, MCS recommends that employees attend before 3 p.m., if possible, because faculty and students from local universities are expected during the last two hours.

Activities will include informal presentations and demonstrations illustrating the potential of new high-performance systems.

Visitors will see how Argonne researchers are prototyping new designs and simulating complex scientific phenomena in the CAVE and on its smaller counterpart, the ImmersaDesk.

For more information, see the MCS open house Web site.

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'Seed grant' preproposals are wanted

Preproposals for theUniversity of Chicago-Argonne Seed Grant Program are due Monday, Nov. 2.

The grant program, now in its third year, encourages initiatives by university and Argonne researchers that will lead to the development of significant ongoing intellectual collaborations and interactions.

The program is funded through a special provision of the university's contract with the U.S. Department of Energy for management of Argonne.

New grants will be awarded on a competitive basis and may be funded for periods up to 24 months. Each proposal must have two or more principal investigators, at least one from each institution. Grants are open to all areas of mutual intellectual interest. Priority will be given to proposals that can lead to long-term enhancement of the university/laboratory intellectual relationship.

The grants themselves are intended to provide seed money for the development of further activity. Eligible proposals include, but are not limited to, proposals for joint research, workshops, or educational or training projects.

Although proposed budgets are not restricted, almost all grants have been $40,000 or less per year. Criteria for selection of preproposals and proposals are:

scientific merit of the proposed work,

importance of the collaboration for reaching research goals,

significance of benefits for the university-laboratory intellectual relationship,

plans for maintaining the collaboration or relationship after the seed grant expires, and

appropriateness of the budget request.

Investigators whose pre-proposals have been selected will be notified in mid-November, and two to three weeks will be allowed for preparing full proposals.

Awards made last year will be funded for a second year where principal investigators feel further work will be worthwhile, and where adequate progress has been made. Grant recipients will be notified of continuation request procedures in early December.

Selections for grants, both new and continuing, will be made in mid-January.

Preproposals should be sent by mail by fax or e-mail (text format only) to both:

Robert J. Zimmer, Senior Associate Provost for Research and Education.

Fax: (773) 702-0934

E-mail: r-zimmer@uchicago .edu

James R. LaFevers, Exec. Director/Deputy to the Vice-President for Argonne

Fax: (630) 252-5329

E-mail: csgpuc@anl.gov

The mailing address is The University of Chicago, 5801 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637.

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Classics, antiques sought for ANL-East car show

Antique and classic car owners are invited to display their vehicles at Argonne-East on Wednesday, Oct. 14.

Employees with vehicles 25 years old or older, or special-interest, modified or limited-production cars, can show off their vehicles from noon to 1 p.m. in the Building 360 parking lot.

Interested employees are also invited to stop by, view the cars and talk to their owners -- and bring a camera.

In case of rain, the car show will be held Monday, Oct. 19.

For more information, call Clarence Clark (ASD) at (630) 553-9567 or Walter Czyz (IPNS) at (630) 553-6987.

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ANL-UC scholarship applications being taken;
university plans Oct. 25 information session

Applications are now being accepted for the University of Chicago/Argonne Scholarship Plan.

The program gives the sons and daughters of full-time laboratory employees a chance to compete for full-tuition scholarships to the university.

Children of regular, full-time Argonne employees are eligible. Applicants must be accepted for freshman-level admission to the College of the University of Chicago and must be among the most qualified applicants from Argonne families.

Information booklets and applications for the scholarship are available from the Division of Educational Programs (DEP) in Argonne-East's Building 223, Room M125 or by calling Carol Reynolds (DEP) at ext. 2-4114.

Scholarship forms must be validated by DEP to be accepted by the university and should be received no later than Dec. 1.

The University of Chicago/Argonne Scholarship Program does not replace the tuition remission program. For information on the tuition-remission program, call Human Resources at ext. 2-3410.

For information on University of Chicago admissions, call (773) 702-3436.

Information session

An information session for prospective students and their parents will be held Sunday, Oct. 25, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the university's Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th St. Ted O'Neill, dean of admissions, will discuss selecting a college or university, the application process and financing. A question-and-answer period and tour of the campus will follow.

Call ext. 2-4114 by Monday, Oct. 19, to make a reservation.

For more information on the session, call the university's Jessica Marinaccio at (773) 702-3436.

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EBR-II cooling tower coming down at Idaho site

The Experimental Breeder Reactor-II cooling tower at Argonne-West is being dismantled after almost 40 years of service.

The tower contributed a unique silhouette to Argonne-West, and operated until funding for the Integral Fast Reactor Program was cut in September 1994. It was essentially a huge swamp cooler, working by simple evaporation rather than mechanical refrigeration. On a hot summer day with a gusty wind, and the reactor at full power, the cooling tower could lose 300 gallons per minute of water and steam into the atmosphere.

Due to safety concerns plant personnel are now in the process of tearing it down. "The cooling tower is obsolete anyway," said Jeff Shelton (ED), project manager. "Even if the reactor were started again, a new cooling tower would have to be built."

Dismantling of the cooling tower is only part of the shutdown activities at EBR-II. Other activities include the preparations for removal of the sodium coolant from EBR-II systems, and dismantling equipment that is no longer needed.

Meanwhile, active research and development continues at Argonne-West in such areas as treating spent DOE reactor fuel for safe disposal, developing new technologies to safeguard weapons materials, and enhancing the safety of nuclear reactors all over the world.

-- Gaylene Flores

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Lunch seminars can improve work habits, skills

Human Resources will offer two "brown bag" lunch seminars aimed at improving employees' professional and personal lives.

Open to all employees, the sessions will be presented by Training Consultant Pat Mansfield. The cost is $40 per participant for each seminar. The classes are all held from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. in Argonne-East's Building 201, Room 238. Enroll through a division Training Management System representative.

Getting Your Message Across (HR234) This seminar describes how to make sure your ideas get heard. The innovative strategies and practical examples used help individuals identify and overcome basic communication problems. The class will be held on Friday, Oct. 16.

Wake up Your Creative Genius(HR232), Tuesday, Nov. 24 -- This seminar presents common-sense techniques designed to increase creative potential.

Stop Procrastinating (HR233), Thursday, Dec. 10 -- This seminar will show participants how to become more productive at work by recognizing procrastination patterns and overcoming them.

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Interest rates set for Argonne's retirement plans

Current rates for fixed interest accounts in Argonne's retirement plans are:

Fund Contributions made from: Rate Earned, Through
TIAA Regular 10/01/98 -- 12/31/98 6.25%, 02/28/99
TIAA Supplemental 10/01/98 -- 12/31/98 5.75%, 02/28/99
Prudential Fixed
Interest Account*
07/01/98 -- 06/30/99 7.04%, 06/30/99
Prudential Guaranteed
Interest Account
10/01/98 -- 12/31/98 5%, 12/31/98
Lincoln Life (Old Account) 01/01/98 -- 12/31/98 3.5%, 12/31/98
Lincoln Life "No Load"** 01/01/98 -- 12/31/98 5.65%, 12/31/98

* Non-Staff Retirement Plan Only

* The minimum guaranteed interest rate for 1998 is 5.4% for this account

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Biggert to reveal views on science

The major party congressional candidates for the 13th Illinois District have been invited by Argonne Concerned Scientists to discuss their views on science, technology, and research at a luncheon forum.

Judy Biggert, the Republican candidate, will present her positions on these topics and respond to questions from the audience at a brown bag lunch at noon on Wednesday, Oct. 14, in Argonne-East's Building 900, Room A04.

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Cafe expands breakfast menu

The Argonne-East Cafeteria has a new "Sun Creek" breakfast program.

Each morning, employees can choose from freshly baked cinnamon rolls and pecan rolls, a self-service hot cereal bar, daily specials, expanded entrees and breakfast sandwiches to go.

A smoothie machine has been installed. Smoothies feature natural fruit bases, ice and non-fat yogurt, blended to a creamy consistency.

The Building 213 Cafeteria is open from 7-8:30 a.m. for hot breakfasts, and from 8:30 a.m. _ 11:15 a.m. for coffee and pastries.

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Blood drive set for Oct. 26 in 3 locations

LifeSource will conduct its annual fall blood drive at Argonne-East on Monday, Oct. 26, at three locations: Building 617 (Exchange Club), and in mobile collection vans in the parking lots of Building 203 and 301.

Hundreds of pints of blood have been collected at Argonne's semi-annual blood drives. These drives are essential to maintain an adequate blood supply for the community. Donations take about 25 minutes.

The Medical Department has distributed information and donation forms. Employees who did not receive a form should contact the department at ext. 2-2803.

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Check W-2s to prevent errors, delays

To avoid W-2 errors and delivery delays, employees at both Argonne-East and Argonne-West should check the accuracy of the name, address and social security number that appears on their check stubs.

Corrections should be sent to the Payroll Department as soon as possible, but no later than Dec. 9, to avoid W-2 errors and delivery delays. Division Human Resources representatives should also be notified of any corrections.

1998 W-2 forms and Earnings Summaries will be sent by mail to employees' home addresses in January 1999.

Representatives' names and telephone numbers can be found on page 6-7 of the Argonne telephone directory.

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Online policy manual updated

The online version of Argonne's Human Resources Policy and Procedure Manual has been updated.

Among the changes are revisions to the conflict of interest policy (#1700) and the intellectual property revenue sharing policy (#10700). A summary of all changes, and the full text of the HR Policy and Procedure Manual, can be accessed from the HR Home Page.

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