October 20, 1997
Some of this week's stories

  • New information center opens to employees

  • Recycling effort reaches million-lb. goal

  • Former ALD Lawroski dies

  • HR classes offer something for everyone

  • Form will speed invention reports

    Seminars Classified Ads Deadline
    Where to send seminars
    and classified ads

    Information Center opens to employees

    DuPage County's newest science information center and learning resource opens to Argonne employees Thursday, Oct. 23, and to the public on Friday, Oct. 24.

    Located in the expanded and refurbished building formerly known as the Visitor Reception Center, the 7,000-square-foot Argonne Information Center (AIC) is filled with more than 30 exhibits, many of them interactive, about science and technology and Argonne's current research programs.

    The AIC will hold an open house for Argonne, U.S. Department of Energy and University of Chicago employees from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 23. Argonne staff will be on hand to answer questions about the exhibits.

    Besides giving the public a free-of-charge look at Argonne research, the AIC will house an exhibit on Argonne's history and will serve as a starting point for tours of the 1,700-acre Argonne-East site.

    It will also be the home of the Learning Lab, the Divison of Educational Programs' new classroom for hands-on science learning for Chicago-area students from kindergarten through the 12th grade.

    In addition, the AIC will be available to civic and business groups for small meetings and receptions.

    Exhibits include:

    * A user-controllable, table-top electron accelerator that shows how magnets bend and control a particle beam's path;

    * An interactive and video tour of Argonne's Advanced Photon Source, source of the nation's most brilliant X-rays for scientific research;

    * Internet access to advanced microscopes where scientists perform experiments from hundreds of miles away.

    * An interactive video tour of Argonne's Fuel Conditioning Facility for treating experimental nuclear fuel for safe disposal;

    * Research that will help develop better global-climate models by measuring how much solar energy falls on the earth;

    * Work with community development organizations to identify and test energy-efficient technologies for low-income housing and to remediate urban brownfields;

    * A new room-temperature ceramic that can make quick, long-lasting repairs of roads and potholes, even in freezing weather;

    * X-ray research to fight cancers and viruses; and

    * A model of an inherently safe nuclear reactor.

    Other exhibits illustrate 3-D virtual reality; how molecules work; non-polluting energy sources; clean, efficient transportation; environmental restoration; and toxic waste clean up.

    The Argonne Information Center is open free of charge, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, except holidays. Use of the center is available upon request to teachers, student groups, civic groups and other organizations with an interest in science, technology and nature.

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    Recycling effort
    reaches million-lb. goal

    Argonne's Mixed Office Paper Pilot (MOPP) program reached its goal of recycling one million pounds -- 500 tons -- of paper in fiscal year 1997, saving the laboratory about $30,000.

    The cost savings are a combination of reduced disposal costs, rebates for the sale of paper and increased efficiency in material handling.

    A second goal to have all buildings at Argonne recycling mixed office paper was also met.

    "Before the MOPP program was established, Argonne recycled about 200 tons of paper per year, so this year's figures represent a significant accomplishment," said Keith Trychta (EMO). The MOPP program began in 1996.

    Recycling office paper has reduced disposal costs by half.

    "A full year of recycling at all Argonne buildings, coupled with reduced rates to transport paper and improved paper markets, offers the possibility of an even better return next year," said Trychta.

    DOE's Argonne Group funded much of the MOPP Program expansion, including educational and informational materials, office recycling containers, and structural modifications (ramps and decks) at some buildings.

    For more information on the Mixed Office Paper Pilot program, call Trychta at ext. 2-1476.

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    Stephen Lawroski,
    former ALD, dies

    Former Associate Laboratory Director Stephen Lawroski, 83, died Oct. 4 at his home in Lisle.

    In 1944, Lawroski was with Standard Oil Development Co. in New Jersey when Glenn Seaborg recruited him for research on separating uranium from plutonium. He established the technology that purified plutonium for use in the atomic bomb and later in nuclear power plants.

    Lawroski came to Argonne in 1947. He started as a senior chemical engineer and later served as the first director of the chemical engineering division. He retired from Argonne in 1980.

    In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson appointed him to the general advisory committee of the Atomic Energy Commission. In 1974, he was named to serve on the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, an Atomic Energy Commission committee.

    He is survived by his son, Stephen; a daughter, Nancy Ann; four brothers and a granddaughter.

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    HR offers classes in office skills,
    English, leadership, quality management

    Human Resources will offer classes in several areas in upcoming weeks. Classes will be held at Argonne-East.

    * "How to Manage Multiple Projects, Meet Deadlines and Achieve Objectives" (HR335) teaches participants to prioritize tasks and projects, handle conflicting deadlines and manage multiple tasks with confidence. The class will be held on Thursday, Nov. 13, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in Building 362, Room F108. Cost is $175. Participants must register by Oct. 20; call Betty Iwan (HR) at ext. 2-3410.

    * "English As A Second Language" (HR534) is designed to help non-native speakers improve their English language skills. Class will be held Wednesdays and Fridays from Oct. 22 through Jan. 10, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Building 201, Room 238. Cost: $375, including textbooks and $30 for a pretest required for all new participants. Call Betty Iwan at ext. 2-3410 for more information.

    * "Leadership & Motivation" (HR641) is designed to help participants develop an understanding of leadership. The course will be held Wednesday, Oct. 22, from noon to 5 p.m. in Building 401, Room E1100. The cost is $25. Call John Hyzer (HR) at ext. 2-3503 for more information.

    * "Time Management" (HR486) will help participants assess their current time management habits, examine issues of choice and control and introduce several time management techniques. The class will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 21 from 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. in Building 212, Room B201. The cost is $25. Call John Hyzer (HR) at ext. 2-3503 for more information.

    * "Building The Work Relationship" (HR630) aids in understanding behavioral clues, what can be learned from those clues and how to reduce interpersonal tension in the workplace. The class will be held on Thursday, Nov. 6, from 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. in Building 401, Room E1100. The cost is $125. Participants must register for this course by Monday, Oct. 20. Call John Hyzer (HR) at ext. 2-3503 for more information.

    * "Foundations of Quality Management" (HR635) teaches participants the use of customer perspective, continuous improvement, team building and metrics to build a more responsive, customer-oriented work environment. The class will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 28, from 8:30 a.m. - noon in Building 200, Room J183. Call John Hyzer (HR) at ext. 2-3503 for more information.

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    Form will speed invention reports

    The Industrial Technology Development Center (ITD) has developed a form to help speed the invention-reporting process at Argonne.

    The form is not a requirement and is intended only to help inventors provide ITD with information needed to begin the reporting process.

    The form is available on-line through the ITD World Wide Web site in the internal information section under "Invention and Software Reporting." Paper copies are available; contact Sandy Classen (ITD) at ext. 2-5060, or send e-mail to classens@ smtplink.dis.anl.gov.

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    Halloween Party
    to feature contest

    A Halloween party will be held Thursday, Oct. 30, from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Building 213 Cafeteria.

    There will be a DJ and a costume contest. Food and beverages will be available for purchase.

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    A boy, Michael, born Sept. 22 to Yo-Po Lin (ES) and his wife; a girl, Elizabeth, born Sept. 23 to Ana and Scott Lockwood (ES); a boy, Kevin Pierce, born Sept. 17 to Corrinne and Jeff Eastman (MSD); a girl, Ashley Dolores, born Sept. 2 to Rachel Mirelez (DIS); a girl, Bridget, born in September to Patrick Caraher (DIS) and his wife; a girl, Hannah Elaine, born Oct. 9 to Caryn and John Stillman (RA); a boy, Stone Cai, born to Shiling Chen and Zhonghou Cai (XFD), a girl, Allison Jane, born Oct. 3 to Jenny and Mark Erdmann (both XFD). Proud grandparents: a granddaughter, Rachael Marie Charnogorsky, born Sept. 6 for Lou (RE) and Pat McUmber (HR-SS); a granddaughter, Emily Tilbrook, born Sept. 19 for Roger Tilbrook (RE); a grandson, Russell Dean Pentecost, born July 12 for Ed Pentecost (EAD).


    MSD welcomes Chun-Yeol You, Akihiro Inomata, Jan Kierfeld, Stefan Scheidl, Goran Karepetrov, Kevin Eberman, Michel van Veenendaal, Peter Baumann, Maziar Soltani-Farshi and Xidong Chen. DIS welcomes Al Haas. RA welcomes Phillip Finck, Tuyet Hoang and Yasushi Hanayama. EAD welcomes Alicia Witherhill, Mandy Whorton and John Suermann.


    Congratulations to Geoff Pierce (EMO) and Linda Shem (ES) on their Aug. 16 wedding; to Paul Henslee (RPS) and Pamela Foyster on their Sept. 20 wedding; to Matt Benson (ES) on his September wedding; to Lance Bohne and Lauren Strohl (ES) on their Oct. 4 wedding; to Elizabeth Congdon and David Brulc (ACU) on their Sept. 20 marriage; and to Dorothy and Joe Herceg's (RE) daughter, Marjorie, on her marriage to Mark Johnson on July 26.


    Welcome back to Eileen Johnson (RA) who returned Sept. 22 from shoulder surgery. TIS welcomes back Janet Anderson as laboratory records coordinator.


    Wishes for a speedy recovery to Stanley Ockers (MSD) and to Cathy Derry (RE) who is recovering from carpal tunnel surgery.


    Condolences to Vivian Arrington (EMO) on the death of her aunt; to Mark Kamiya (EMO) on the death of his mother; to Karen and Dave Taylor (OD) on the death of their son; to Craig Huber (DIS) on the death of his mother.


    Good luck to Mary Donnafield who transferred from OD to RPS; to Mark Gowdy who transferred from ES to EMO; to Faith Ruppert who transferred to RE from EAD; and to Cindy Chaffee and Kou-John Hong who transferred to RA.


    Good luck to Michelle Jenkins (RPS), Scott Herbst (TD), Joe Libera (ES), Yiping Feng (XFD), Mark Keeffe (XFD), Antje Kohnle (XFD), Shawn Rogers (XFD), Yannick DeWilde (MSD), Fabrizio Cleri (MSD), and Dorai Narayanaswamy (MSD) who have all left the laboratory.


    Thanks to this issue's contributors: Linda Carlson (XFD); Bonnie Gianpetro (EMO); Connie Hutchens (AW); Eileen Johnson (RA); Sheila Jungman (MSD); Cathy Nelson (IPD-TIS)Jo Ann Parnell (ES); Eleanor Robson (EAD); Jean Slater (DIS); Kim Tomasko (RE).

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    Hockey game offer
    is bold deal on ice

    The Argonne Club will host a trip to see the Chicago Wolves hockey team face off against the Ft. Wayne Komets on Friday, Nov. 21, at the Rosemont Horizon.

    The game begins at 7:30 p.m.

    Tickets are $17 ($3 less than the box-office price) and include bus transportation to and from the game. The bus will leave from Argonne-East's Building 213 Cafeteria at 5:30 p.m.

    Tickets will be sold in the cafeteria lobby the weeks of Oct. 20 and Oct. 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Fifty tickets are available.

    To reserve tickets or for more information, call Harold Gaines (CMB) at ext. 2-3163 or Dan McNamee (EMO) at ext. 2-6539.

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    PFS hosts seminar on
    diversity, collaboration

    A live broadcast of Jean Lipman-Blumen's seminar "Connective Leadership" will be presented in Argonne-East's Building 203 Auditorium on Tuesday, Oct. 28, from noon to 1:30 p.m.

    Lipman-Blumen will discuss how to reconcile the challenges of an increasingly diverse work force with the growing need to collaborate.

    Blumen is the author of two books and 60 published papers, a professor of organizational behavior at Claremont Graduate University, and co-director of the Peter F. Drucker Institute for Advanced Studies in Leadership.

    There is no charge for attending this seminar, and any Argonne employee whose work schedule permits is welcome to attend. For more information, call Karen Kroczek (ESH) at ext. 2-8764.

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    Most visitors to find
    entering ANL-E easier

    Most visitors should find entering Argonne-East faster and easier thanks to a new gate-clearance policy now in effect.

    Under the revised policy, most visitors will be admitted through the gates from 6:30 a.m. - 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, without prior arrangements or processing through the Argonne Information Center (AIC) -- provided they are U.S. citizens and can give the gate guard a valid business reason for visiting the site.

    For access during off-hours, weekends and holidays, prior arrangements must be made with AIC visitor reception employees. To make arrangements, call ext. 2-5755.

    Long-term visitors are encouraged to obtain a gate pass at the AIC on the first day of their visit.

    Site access policy has not changed for construction contractors, sales and delivery persons and non-U.S. citizens, who must be processed at the AIC before entering the site. They will be issued passes that must be displayed for site access.

    The U.S. Department of Energy still requires non-citizens to be processed through the AIC.

    Questions regarding visitor access should be directed to Ed Mickulas (SEC) at ext. 2-5754.

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