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AED Foundation - An affiliate of Associated Equipment Distributors

What's new with The AED Foundation

Strengthening the industry through professional education & workforce development.

2008 Investors
These construction equipment industry leaders are helping ensure a prosperous future by investing in The AED Foundation. Contributions support the foundation's efforts in the areas of workforce development and promotion of a positive image.

AED University Certifications
Certification recognizes industry professionals for completion of required position-related training, their skills and expertise, and job performance at an exemplary level.

AED Launching Thousands into Tech Field
By 2012, the Foundation's grassroots school partnerships will triple the annual number of graduating skilled service technicians.

Build Your Brand, Make Friends, Have Fun

At AED Foundation events we try to make you friends. Because friends are trustworthy and fun. And when push comes to shove, wouldn't you rather do business with a friend than a stranger?

The Foundation's two 2009 websites are now open and accepting sponsors: People don't just buy things. They buy into them. And they aren't easily fooled, but they are easily befriended.

Do Good for Yourself and Others with AEDF Events

The Foundation's events benefit Vision 2012 which is the only community-based school to work program in the construction equipment industry. It is projected to add 1,200 qualified technicians into the industry nationwide by the year 2012.

Resolve to Become Certified in '08

Help make 2008 a banner year for management certifications.
When thinking about New Year's resolutions this year, why not resolve to become a better manager?

Consider becoming certified through AED University's certification program for parts, service, sales, rental and branch management.

Certification is a benefit available to all AED members through The AED Foundation. To qualify, managers must have three years of management experience in the specified area, current employment with an AED member company, and a written recommendation from a supervisor.

Managers may complete their certification requirements though self-study courses, seminars, or through previous training. In fact, managers who attended the AED University Managers conference are eligible for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) that can be applied toward AED University Certification programs.

Managers who complete the required formal training and score no less than an 80 percent on the certification examination will be certified.

The AED Foundation recognizes certified managers by awarding a plaque and a pin at the time of certification, and they are recognized in Construction Equipment Distribution magazine. In addition, all newly certified managers are invited to attend AED's Annual Meeting & CONDEX, where they are publicly recognized for their accomplishment.

The AED Foundation Recognizes the Certified Managers of 2007
Course Details

Achieving certification through AED University signifies a commitment to superior workplace performance on the part of both AED member dealers and their individual team members. Certification requires an investment of time, dedication of effort and an understanding of content that drives success. The AED Foundation would like to congratulate the following managers who have achieved certification in 2007:

Branch Operations Management Certification:
  • Steve Stafki, General Equipment and Supplies Inc., Fargo, N.D.
Parts Management Certification:
  • Justin Herried, Diesel Machinery Inc., Aberdeen, S.D.
  • Curt Strausbaugh, Modern Equipment Sales and Rental Co., Lancaster, Pa.
  • Ronald Thompson, General Equipment and Supplies Inc., Fargo, N.D.
Service Management Certification:
  • Jerald Bankston, Diesel Machinery Inc., Aberdeen, S.D.
  • Brian Carr, Nortrax Equipment Co., Tampa, Fla.
  • Ronnie Ellis, James River Equipment, Winchester, Va.
  • Alan George, Nortrax Equipment Co., Tampa, Fla.
  • Edward Phillips , Nortrax Equipment Co., Tampa, Fla.
  • Joe Moss, Nortrax Equipment Co., Tampa, Fla.
  • Robert Richards, Nortrax Equipment Co., Tampa, Fla.