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Page banner labeled Aerodynamics Laboratory showing lab related pictures including bridges, cables, and wind instruments.






MenuBridge EngineeringExperimental AerodynamicsComputational Fluid DynamicsDatabases



Dynamic Properties of Cable Stayed Bridge Cables
Study of the L.P.Z. Bunker Hill Bridge in Boston, MA

L.P.Z Bunker Hill Bridge, MA

Experimental and analytical study of stay cable dynamic properties. Determination of cable inherent modal frequencies and damping characteristics. Experiments were phased to allow for the independent investigation of the impact of cable dampers and cross ties on the damping characteristics of the stay cables. Recently completed project.
Study of the Chesapeak & Delaware Canal Cable-Stayed Bridge, DE

Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Cable-Stayed Bridge, DE

Experimental and analytical study of stay cable dynamic properties. Determination of cable inherent damping characteristics and determination of critical design parameters for mitigation of aerodynamically induced vibration. Ongoing project.
Study of the Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge, Cape Girardeau, MO

Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge, MO

Experimental and analytical study of stay cable dynamic properties. Determination of cable inherent modal frequencies and damping characteristics. Determination of critical design parameters for mitigation of aerodynamically induced vibration. Ongoing project.
Study of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, Tampa, FL

Sunshine Skyway Bridge, FL

Experimental and analytical study of stay cable dynamic properties. Determination of cable inherent modal frequencies and damping characteristics. This bridge has shock absorber type dampers installed and was selected as an example of a bridge without any significant wind induced vibration problems. Recently completed project.



Long-Term Bridge Monitoring  
Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge, ME

Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge, ME

Long-Term monitoring of wind direction, speed and turbulence intensity in several locations on the bridge towers and deck. Study of deck vibration as determined by long-term monitoring of deck mounted accelerometers. Over twenty-two years of valid data have been accumulated and are currently under analysis. Ongoing project.
Luling Bridge, LA

Luling Bridge, LA

Long-Term monitoring of wind direction, speed and turbulence intensity in several locations on the bridge deck. Study of deck vibration as determined by long term monitoring of deck mounted accelerometers. Long-term monitoring of cable vibrations by means of accelerometers installed on the stay cables. More than 20 years of valid data have been accumulated and are currently under analysis. Ongoing project.



Bridge Aerodynamic Response  
Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge, ME

Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge, ME

Comprehensive aerodynamic evaluation of the Deer Isle Sedgwick bridge. The program involves aerodynamic section model studies in a wind tunnel environment, analytical studies and simulation, full scale measurements and long term monitoring. Retrofits were designed and have been implemented, bridge is currently under remote monitoring. Ongoing project.
Lulling Bridge, LA

Luling Bridge, LA

Lulling Bridge in Louisiana was the first steel cable-stayed bridge in the United States to be located in a hurricane prone area. The research program involves aerodynamic section model studies in a wind tunnel environment, full scale measurements, analytical studies and long term monitoring of the bridge to determine its aerodynamic stability and performance. The bridge is currently under remote monitoring. Ongoing project.

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