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Page banner labeled Aerodynamics Laboratory showing lab related pictures including bridges, cables, and wind instruments.






MenuBridge EngineeringExperimental AerodynamicsComputational Fluid DynamicsDatabases




  Bridge EngineeringDynamic Properties of Cable Stayed Bridge Cables
Long-Term Bridge Monitoring
Bridge Aerodynamic Response

Experimental Aerodynamics
Instrumentation Development
Bluff Body Aerodynamics

Computational Fluid Dynamics
Numerical Modeling of Fluid-Structure Interaction

Reference and Analysis Databases
Reference Databases
Analysis Databases


Use this menu to access detailed information about present and past projects of the aerodynamics laboratory. Click on the dark blue tabs to access broad subject area pages. (The manilla tabs at the top of the page can also be used to navigate to the broad subject area pages). Click on the light blue sub-tabs to go directly to a topical area. Specific projects are listed under each topical area. Click on the 'Menu' tab at the top of the page at any time to return to this menu.





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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration