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Mendocino Receives Two Chiefs' Partnership Award

Outdoor photograph of a group holding certficates and plaques in front of the research station.

During a presentation at Pacific Soutwest Research Station, some recipients of the Two Chiefs' Partnership award receive plaques and certificates from Ann Bartuska, Deputy Chief for Research. From left: Regional Forester Randy Moore, Ann Bartuska, Region 5 Biomass Utilization Specialist Bruce Goines, Mendocino Forest Supervisor Tom Contreras, PSW's Mark Nechodom and retired Director of PSW Jim Sedell.

The Mendocino National Forest has received a national award for outstanding partnerships and collaboration on the Alder Springs hazardous fuel reduction and carbon sequestration research project.

The Two Chiefs' Partnership Awards honored five projects nationwide that "demonstrate successful collaboration in conservation and forest stewardship." The award was announced in Washington , D.C. , by Forest Service Chief Abigail Kimbell and Natural Resources Conservation Service Chief Arlen Lancaster at a joint meeting of leaders from the Forest Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Association of State Foresters, and National Association of Conservation Districts.

Partners with the Mendocino National Forest on the Alder Springs project are California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Winrock International, Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station and Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region State and Private Forestry.

In announcing the award, Chief Kimbell said, "This cutting edge partnership will result in improved forest health, fuel reduction and comprehensive insight into carbon sequestration (storage) methods."

Mendocino National Forest awarded a stewardship contract for the Alder Springs project to Sierra Pacific Industries of Anderson, CA, in July 2007 to thin trees and remove biomass in order to reduce the size and intensity of future wildfires while improving forest health. Sierra Pacific Industries began work in September and is transporting the biomass to Wheelabrator Shasta Energy Co. also of Anderson , CA , for conversion into electricity.

At the same time, Forest Service researchers are collaborating with California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, and Winrock International to measure greenhouse gas emission reductions resulting from fuels and forest management treatments, evaluate and quantify potential revenues in current and future carbon markets, and evaluate the potential for renewable energy credits and incentives associated with biomass energy production.

Five individuals were specifically recognized by the Two Chiefs' Partnership Award for their work in carrying out the Alder Springs Project. They are:

  • Janet Flanagan, Mendocino National Forest Grindstone District Planning Officer/Alder Project Manager; she designed the Alder Springs hazardous fuels treatment project by working collaboratively with many stakeholders, initiated and organized the partnerships and is managing the completion of the project;
  • Doug Wickizer , California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Department Chief for Environmental Protection, Regulations and Forest Product Utilization; he is writing the current forestry protocols for the California Climate Action Registry and represents the Department in climate change activities and initiatives;
  • Nick Martin, program officer in Forestry, Energy & Ecosystem Services for Winrock International/manages terrestrial carbon sequestration and emission reduction activities under the West Coast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership, including reforestation, forest management, fire management and biomass energy;
  • Mark Nechodom , director of social and policy sciences at the Sierra Nevada Research Center, a multi-disciplinary research unit in Davis, CA, that is part of Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station/visiting scholar and lecturer at the University of California, Davis; and
  • Bruce Goines , Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region Biomass Utilization Specialist, serving as multi-program lead to increase utilization of woody biomass from forest health, fuels management, and timber stand improvement projects in California./Forest Service lead in working with the State of California in determining public lands role in California Climate Action Registry and Forest Service role participating in emerging carbon markets; Regional Forester's representative to the California Biomass Collaborative that developed a Biomass Utilization Roadmap for California.

Each Alder Springs project partner organization will receive an engraved wood plaque made from black cherry harvested from sustainably -managed forests that are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council and each individual will receive a certificate of appreciation from the two Chiefs.