FR Doc E8-18345[Federal Register: August 8, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 154)]
[Page 46252-46253]
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Office of the Deputy Secretary; Amended Notice of Opportunity To 
Participate in a National Math Panel Forum

AGENCY: U.S. Department of Education, Office of the Deputy Secretary.

ACTION: Amended notice of opportunity to participate in a National Math 
Panel Forum to help improve the teaching and learning of mathematics 
based on the findings and recommendations of the National Mathematics 
Advisory Panel's final report.


SUMMARY: On July 18, 2008, the Deputy Secretary published in the 
Federal Register (FR Doc E8-16423, Volume 73, Number 139) soliciting 
participation in the National Math Panel Forum. This notice amends the 
July 18 notice by extending the registration period from Friday, August 
8, to Friday, August 29, and republishes the entire notice to read as 
    For students to compete in the 21st-century global economy, 
knowledge of and proficiency in mathematics are critical. Today's high 
school graduates need to have solid mathematics skills--whether they 
are headed to college or to the workforce. To help ensure our nation's 
future competitiveness and economic viability, President George W. Bush 
created the National Mathematics Advisory Panel (National Math Panel) 
in April 2006. The Panel was charged with reviewing the best available 
scientific evidence and making recommendations on improving mathematics 
education with a focus on readiness for and success in algebra and 
mathematics education in grades K-8.
    The National Math Panel's final report, Foundations for Success: 
Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel, was issued on March 
13, 2008. The report contains 45 findings and recommendations on 
numerous topics, including curricular content, learning processes, 
instructional practices and materials, teachers, assessments, and 
future research priorities.
    In response to a National Math Panel recommendation, the U.S. 
Department of Education, in partnership with the Conference Board of 
Mathematical Sciences, is hosting a National Math Panel Forum (Forum) 
to bring together various organizations and other interested parties to 
discuss ways to engage their members or constituents in discussions 
about the National Math Panel's findings and recommendations and how 
the organizations and parties can collaborate and coordinate efforts to 
use the findings to improve mathematics education in the United States.

DATES: Registration to participate in and attend the Forum will open on 
July 16, 2008, and close on Friday, August 29, 2008.
    Forum Dates:
Monday, October 6, 2008--Evening Reception--(Times to be determined).
Tuesday, October 7, 2008--Forum --(Times to be determined).

    Location: Washington, DC, area. (The National Math Panel Web site,, will be updated when the exact location 
and times have been set for the Forum. Those who expressed interest in 
participating will be notified of the update).
    Registration Process: Interested organizations and parties should 
complete an online registration form. The registration form is located 
at: and will be available at the start of 
registration on July 16, 2008. Correspondence should be sent via e-mail 
or fax to:

National Math Panel Forum, c/o Ida Eblinger Kelley, Office of 
Communications and Outreach, U.S. Department of Education, E-mail:, FAX: 202-205-9133; or

c/o William McCallum, Chair, Conference Board of Mathematics Sciences, 



    On March 13, 2008, the National Math Panel presented its final 
report to the President and the Secretary of Education. During the 
course of two years, expert panelists, including a number of leading 
mathematicians, cognitive psychologists, and educators, reviewed more 
than 16,000 research publications and policy reports and received 
public testimony from 110 individuals. In addition, the Panel reviewed 
commentary from 160 organizations and individuals, and analyzed survey 
results from 743 active teachers of algebra before preparing the final 
report with policy advice on how to improve mathematics achievement for 
all students in the United States.
    The National Math Panel's final report calls on the nation to 
improve the ``delivery system in mathematics education--the system that 
translates mathematical knowledge into value and ability for the next 
generation.'' Furthermore, the report states:

    ``Positive results can be achieved in a reasonable time at 
accessible cost, but a consistent, wise, community-wide effort will 
be required. Education in the United States has many participants in 
many locales--teachers, students, and parents; state school 
officers, school board members, superintendents, and principals; 
curriculum developers, textbook writers, and textbook editors; those 
who develop assessment tools; those who prepare teachers and help 
them to continue their development; those who carry out relevant 
research; association leaders and government officials at the 
federal, state, and local levels. All carry responsibilities. All 
can be important to success.
    ``The network of these many participants is linked through 
interacting national associations. A coordinated national approach 
toward improved mathematics education will require an annual forum 
of their leaders for at least a decade. The Panel recommends that 
the U.S. Secretary of Education take the lead in convening the forum 
initially, charge it to organize in a way that will sustain an 
effective effort, and request a brief annual report on the mutual 
agenda adopted for the year ahead.''

    To read the National Math Panel's final report and Reports of the 
Task Groups and Subcommittees please visit:

Goals of the Forum

    To answer the National Math Panel's call to build a sustained 
effort to improve mathematics education, the U.S. Department of 
Education and the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences are 
requesting educational, scholarly, business, and community 
organizations and other interested parties to participate in a Forum 
with the goal of creating a network or

[[Page 46253]]

networks committed to taking steps for the years to come to improve 
mathematics education, using the findings and recommendations of the 
National Mathematics Advisory Panel as a platform for action.
    The long-term goal of this effort is to improve the teaching and 
learning of mathematics in order to prepare our students to succeed in 
algebra and higher-level mathematics by addressing the National Math 
Panel's evidence-based findings and recommendations. The ultimate goal 
is to ensure that U.S. children have the skills to pursue careers in 
mathematics and sciences, as well as to compete in this increasingly 
competitive global economy as informed citizens.

Forum Focus

    The Forum in October will be the first in a series of forums. 
Understanding that the panel's findings are extensive and cover many 
areas, this initial Forum will focus on four of the seven National Math 
Panel recommendation topics. These topics include the following:

--Teachers and Teacher Education
--Learning Processes
--Instructional Materials
--Research Policies and Mechanisms

    Other topics, including Curricular Content, Instructional 
Practices, and Assessment, may also be discussed during the Forum and 
will be addressed in future forums.
    Individuals who will need accommodations for a disability in order 
to attend the forum (e.g., interpreting services, assistance listening 
devices, or materials in alternative format) should notify Ida Kelley 
at (202) 401-6143 or no later than Friday, September 
12, 2008. We will attempt to meet requests for accommodations after 
this date but cannot guarantee their availability. The forum site is 
accessible to individuals with disabilities.


    All interested organizations and parties committed to improving the 
teaching and learning of mathematics in this country are encouraged to 
participate in the Forum. Participants will be asked to complete online 
registration materials that address the following:
--A description of the specific steps or actions the organization or 
party is planning, or will plan, to take, building on the platform of 
the National Math Panel's findings and recommendations related to the 
four topics listed above;
--A brief statement of why the organization or party is interested in 
participating, along with a description of the organization's or 
party's resources to carry out the plan, including existing programs or 
efforts that could support the goals of the Forum; and
--A commitment to send a team of 2-4 individuals to the Forum.

    Organizations that seek to participate in the Forum should submit 
their registration, by August 29, 2008, at

National Math Panel Forum, c/o Ida Eblinger Kelley, Office of 
Communications and Outreach, U.S. Department of Education, E-mail:, Phone: 202-401-6143, FAX: 202-205-9133; or
c/o William McCallum, Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences, E-
    Electronic Access to This Document: You may view this document, as 
well as all other documents of this Department published in the Federal 
Register, in text or Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) on the 
Internet at the following site:
    To use PDF you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available 
free at this site. If you have questions about using PDF, call the U.S. 
Government Printing Office (GPO), toll free at 1-888-293-6498; or in 
the Washington, DC, area at (202) 512-1530.

    Note: The official version of this document is the document 
published in the Federal Register. Free Internet access to the 
official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal 
Regulations is available on GPO Access at:

Raymond Simon,
Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Education.
[FR Doc. E8-18345 Filed 8-7-08; 8:45 am]