
Washington State Department of

Veterans Affairs


Employment and Employment Support Services for

Homeless Veterans Reintegration Project

HVRP is a proven, successful program that gets homeless veterans off the street and back to being productive members of society. WDVA provides HVRP-W services to Women Veterans in the Puget Sound Region of King, Pierce, Thurston, Kitsap, and Snohomish Counties. HVRP-Rural services are provided to Counties in Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho, Western Montana, and Northeastern Oregon.
The HVRP offers a structured, individually designed case management plan to assist veterans become employable and secure.

Program Services include:

  • Immediate needs – food, clothing and shelter;
  • Outreach to homeless providers;
  • Employability needs and skills assessment;
  • Job readiness services, including transitional housing assistance, basic skills training, therapeutic work, résumé
    development and employment opportunity referrals; and
  • 90, 180, and 270-day job retention


To be eligible for participation under HVRP, an individual must be homeless and a veteran as defined:

The term “homeless or homeless individual” includes persons:

  • Who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence;
  • Whose primary nighttime residence is either a supervised public or private shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations, or a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutional; or
  • Living in a private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.

The term “veteran” means a person who served in active duty military,
naval or air service and who was discharged or released under other
than dishonorable.


There are HVRP Services available to assist homeless veterans with reintegration and employment within the Puget Sound Region, Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho, Western Montana, and Northeastern Oregon…

Let us help you!
Call 1-800-562-2308

Federal VA Women Veterans Programs
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
County Veterans Coalition

Copyright © 2000 - 2010
Department of Veterans Affairs All Rights Reserved

For Benefits Information Call 1-800-562-2308 For Assistance - TDD: 360-725-2199