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When Congress passed the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), which supports the LTPP program through September 2003, the highway bill stipulated that the LTPP program:

....."(A) Monitor, Material-test, and evaluate highway test sections in existence as of the date of the grant, agreement, or contract; (B) Analyze the data obtained in carrying out subparagraph (A); and (C) Prepare products to fulfill program objectives and meet future pavement technology needs."

As the program enters its midway point, nearly 2,400 sites have been built and included in the program. More than 40 research reports have been written or are underway. These reports capture important pavement performance values and present new and improved ways of collecting and managing pavement performance data. It is specifically in response to subparagraph (C), which mandates the LTPP program to develop an "LTPP Product Development Plan." This plan fulfills that obligation-with one caveat-"prepared" products need to be delivered to the appropriate customers in a rational, organized manner.

LTPP's most recent products, include:

  • DataPave
    A web application that presents LTPP data in an easy-to-use way.
  • Distress Identification Manual for the Long-Term Pavement Performance Program (Fourth Revised Edition) - Manual developed to provide a consistent, uniform basis for collecting distress data on the LTPP program. The manual provides a common language for describing cracks, potholes, rutting spalling, and other pavement distresses.
  • FWD Calibration
    Research report and videotapes that present LTPP's Falling-Weight Deflectometer (FWD) calibration procedure.
  • LTPP Product List
  • LTPPBind
    A Windows-based software program that provides users with the ability to apply regional temperature and traffic conditions to select Superpave performance-grade asphalt binders.
  • Pavement Manuals of Practice
    A series of four manuals that provide the latest information on pavement maintenance and repair.
  • Product Briefs
    Overviews of LTPP product offerings, including technical background information, along with key features and product benefits.
  • Product Plan
  • Product Information Sheet (Napkin)
    A web-based application that provides users with the ability to check basic product information such as introduced date, supervising ETG, product phase (status), expected completion date, budget, and to link to the product's originating project(s).
  • Resilient Modulus
    Research report and videotapes that explain the how and why of LTPP's revised unbound resilient modulus laboratory tests and procedures.
  • Rigid Pavement Design Software
    A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that automates the design and analysis procedures for improved guidelines for PCC pavements as published in the 1998 Supplement to the AASHTO Guide for the Design of Pavement Structures, Part II - Rigid Pavement Design & Rigid Pavement Joint Design.



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This page last modified on 02/12/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration