Every fall, the School Maestro passwords are changed for students.
This is a security feature to ensure your personal grade information is not
compromised. The new passwords are effective for one full school year
which includes the fall, the spring and the summer semesters.

Students should receive their codes/passwords from their instructors.
All instructors can look up the codes/passwords for any of their own students.

If you forget or lose your code/password,
please contact one of your instructors.

In the event you log in to check your grades and you receive the
following error message:

              Invalid code or Invalid login error message

It may be due to a typographical error (try it again)

2. Or it may be that you reversed your code & password (try it again)

3. However, the most common reason this error is generated is due to the fact that
    none of your instructors has published grades or attendance to the internet!

    Sometimes teachers forget to make the correct menu choice when they select to
    publish and they don't actually put the grades on the internet.
    You need to kindly ask your instructor whether they've published grades

GCCC telephone/email directory  
School Maestro technical support  



updated on 2/17/06