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Shenandoah National ParkOn the edge of Big Meadows wetlands...
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Shenandoah National Park
Your Safety
A backcountry camper sets up his tent as he prepares his campsite.

In case of an emergency, call 800-732-0911

Most visitor injuries at Shenandoah National Park are while driving. Wildlife collisions are common, so protect the animals and yourself by driving the speed limit (35 mph) and slowing down further if you see an animal. Do not stop in the middle of the road to take pictures. You may pull over if there is a safe place to do so. Drive very slowly in the fog since it will be hard to see cyclists, animals, or a stopped vehicle in the roadway.

Slips, trips, and falls
Wear proper, sturdy footwear when hiking on any unpaved trail. Watch your step and be prepared to turn around in dangerous settings such as a high water crossing or ice on the trail. Never walk around the top of a waterfall – wet rocks are surprisingly slippery and many people have been injured. 

The average human uses a quart of water per hour on a hot day! If you might be in the woods more than 20 minutes, bring plenty of water with you. The water in the streams and springs is not safe to drink. See backcountry travel tips for more information.

Never, ever feed wildlife! Not only is it illegal, but it is dangerous to the animal, and it may be dangerous to you. 

Bears(More bear safety...)
Do not approach or startle bears. If you see one while you are in your vehicle, remain in the vehicle. If you see one while outside, make your presence known by talking quietly and slowly back away. If the bear approaches you make noise such as yelling and clapping your hands. Most black bears will run away as soon as they realize you are a human. Keep them wild by properly storing food and disposing of all waste into the provided bear-proof trash containers. Bears can become very dangerous when they associate people with food. 

Be alert for poisonous snakes. Copperheads and rattlesnakes are generally found on land but may sometimes be seen in the water. Use ordinary precautions, wear shoes and always carry a flashlight after dusk. If you see a snake, leave it alone! All animals in the park are protected by law.

Ticks are common throughout the park; a proportion of deer ticks carry Lyme Disease. This is a bacterial infection transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected deer tick. The longer an infected tick feeds on you, the more likely you'll be to get Lyme Disease.

  • Use tick repellents with DEET, according to manufacturer's instructions.
  • Wear light colored clothing, long sleeves, and long pants with socks tucked into pants.
  • Do frequent “tick checks” of yourself and any children and pets with you.
  • Always check for ticks after any outdoor activities.

Lyme Disease is a serious illness that can go undiagnosed if the affected person is not alert to its causes and symptoms. Not all tick bites will result in the characteristic skin blotch. If you find a tick attached to you, remove the tick and clean the bite site.

Download the Virginia Department of Health brochure: Preventing Tick-Borne Diseases in Virgina

Additional Information:
Center for Disease Control

Poison Ivy
Poison ivy grows plentifully along roadsides, trails and the edges of parking lots, as a vine or a low shrub. The leaves are red in early spring, shiny green in summer, and an attractive red or orange in the fall. Each leaf consists of three leaflets.

  • Most people are sensitive in varying degrees to the sap of this plant, which makes skin itch, blister, and swell.
  • Avoid contact with all parts of the plant. If exposed, wash the affected skin with soap and water as soon as possible. It takes several minutes for the sap to penetrate the skin.
  • Remember: Leaves of three, let them be!
  • Do not burn campfire deadwood that is entangled with poison ivy leaves or vines. Soot from the fire can carry the sap through the air, and cause serious distress in the eyes, nose, and throat.

Backcountry Safety - including treatment of drinking water from streams & springs

Two National Park Service biologists study vegetation in Big Meadows in Shenandoah National Park.  

Did You Know?
Shenandoah National Park is an outdoor laboratory that helps scientists study the effects of our activities on the environment. To learn more, click on Science and Nature.

Last Updated: April 17, 2008 at 10:31 EST