U.S. Fish and Wildlife

Locating projection information for ArcInfo data

If you are using Arc/Info format data, but do not have Arc/Info, and are not sure of the projection information there is a simple way to check. In the subdirectory where all the files for a coverage are located, there is a .prj file. Simply type the file to look at it on a the screen, or use a text editor to view it. A sample is located below. Even if you have metadata for the file, you might want to do this to verify the information.

This file may not exist for all ArcInfo data; it does depend on how the creator of the coverage did their processing.

     Projection          LAMBERT
     Datum               NAD83
     Zunits              NO
     Units               METERS
     Spheroid            GRS1980
     Xshift              0.0000000000
     Yshift              0.0000000000
      45  0  0.000 /*    1st standard parallel 
      49  0  0.000 /*    2nd standard parallel
     -109 30  0.000 /*   central meridian
      44 15  0.000 /*    latitude of projection's origin
     600000.00000 /*     false easting (meters) 
     0.00000 /*          false northing (meters)

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Deb Southworth Green, in the Division of Information Technology Management, at Deb_Green@fws.gov

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Keywords=GIS, data, metadata, steering, standards
Last Modified January 08, 2001 10:22 AM