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NWRC Education and Outreach

Providing information about the Center's research, its partners, and wetlands in general is perhaps one of the greatest challenges facing staff at the National Wetlands Research Center. In addition to publishing, the Web, and the library, the NWRC communicates scientific information through education and outreach. Activities include scientific seminars, technical training, school visits with NWRC on-site tours, and special projects. Additionally, NWRC produces educational kiosks and CDs and sponsors workshops. Staff members work with many partners from universities, Federal, State and local government, and the private sector to achieve the Center’s mission.

Below, you will find information on educational opportunities and resources available from the Center, as well as a list of our partners. For more information, contact Gaye Farris.




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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 12-Aug-2008 16:28:37 EDT