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Developing Web Applications with ColdFusion  - Developing applications with ColdFusion does not require coding in a traditional programming language; instead, you build applications by combining standard HTML with a straightforward server-side markup language, the ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML).   URL:
Introduction to Java, Part 1—Servlets  - Servlets are objects used to process server-side requests and generate responses for clients. Servlets typically execute within the context of an HTTP Web server. Inside the Web server, servlets process requests from HTTP clients, such as Web browsers. To help servlet developers get started with servlet programming, the servlet API provides the javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet class as a starting point. This article introduces you to the HttpServlet class and should provide a basic understanding of how to use the HttpServlet class to generate Web pages programmatically for HTTP clients.   URL:
Putting Structure to Application Development, Part 1  - Introduction to an Integrated Development Methodology. Welcome! This is the first of a four-part series that will step you through the process of applying a structured approach to application development through a defined methodology. The use of this methodology can alleviate bottlenecks in production, deliver a concise product, and expedite time to market. By: Benjamin Elmore. Director of Technology, RS Technologies, Inc.   URL:

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This file last modified: Monday September 22, 2008  4:34 PM