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Journal Title [TA]

Use the [ta] tag with the journal title abbreviation, full journal name, or ISSN (International Standard Serial Numbers).

  • Examples:
    J Biol Chem [ta]
    Journal of Biological Chemistry [ta]
    0021-9258 [ta]
    [Show Me]

If the journal name contains parentheses or brackets, enter the name without the special characters.

  • Example:
    Occup Med (Lond) should be searched as Occup Med Lond [ta] [Show Me]

Place of Publication [PL]

This field indicates the cited journal's country of publication.

  • Use the [pl] tag.
  • Example:
    aids AND nigeria [pl] [Show Me]

Note: Geographic Place of Publication regions are not searchable. In order to retrieve records for all countries in a region (e.g., North America), it is necessary to OR together the countries of interest.

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Last Updated November 4, 2005
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