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Display Formats

Documents can be viewed in many different formats, giving you a choice of data displayed.

Summary Format

Multiple PubMed citations are displayed by default in the Summary format, which consists of the following:

  • Author name(s): All authors from the MEDLINE record are displayed. [Show Me]

  • Corporate Author: Identifies the corporate authorship of an article. Corporate names display exactly as they appear in the journal. Note: Citations indexed pre-2000 and some citations indexed in 2000-2001 retain corporate authors at the end of the title field.

  • Title of the article: [Show Me]
    Note: Foreign language titles are translated into English and placed within brackets.

  • Source: Provides the journal title abbreviations, date of publication, volume, issue, and page numbers of the article. [Show Me]
    A mouseover of the journal title abbreviation displays the full journal title. [Show Me]

Click Next to learn more about the Summary Format.

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Last Updated May 17, 2006
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