Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
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June 14, 2006  
Abuse also Occurred During 2004 Hurricane Season
WASHINGTON – Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Ranking Member Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., said Wednesday the widespread abuse of FEMA disaster aid confirms the need to reinvent the agency into a strongly-led, more accountable organization and underscores the Bush Administration’s historic neglect of financial oversight. Following is his full statement:

“The revelations that over $1 billion in hurricane disaster aid were misspent confirm what I and my colleague Senator Susan Collins have been arguing for months now: FEMA needs to be reinvented as a disaster agency capable of handling a catastrophe the size and scope of Hurricane Katrina. FEMA simply was not designed to effectively or efficiently address the needs of over a million victims. We need to reinvent emergency management in this country so the next time a catastrophe occurs, it can respond to the needs of millions of victims.

“These types of abuses, however, could have been and should have been predicted. Last year, a Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee investigation into FEMA’s response to the 2004 hurricane season found fraudulent claims, wasteful spending, and ineffective management following Hurricane Frances in Miami-Dade County, Fla. FEMA distributed over $31 million to people in Miami-Dade County, even though the county’s emergency officials found damage and debris to be minimal.

“Why didn’t the Administration put proper controls in place after the 2004 hurricane season and before the 2005 season? Perhaps it was because the Bush White House has proven itself to be indifferent to financial oversight, most glaringly with the billions of dollars spent on Iraqi reconstruction that has resulted in extensive waste and fraud. “The critical nature of disaster assistance makes reports of waste, mismanagement and outright fraud extremely disturbing. We cannot sweep such allegations under the rug; we must face them head-on to preserve public confidence in these programs.”
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June 2006 Press Releases
May   July   --   2005   2007  
June 30 - Collins, Lieberman Seek to Address Government Fraud

June 29 - Dodd, Lieberman Help Secure Additional $4 Million for Coast Guard Research and Development Lab

June 29 - Lieberman Says DHS Infrastructure Protection Plan Not Enough

June 28 - Lieberman Speaks on Introduction of Bill to Reinvent FEMA

June 27 - Collins, Lieberman Seek Greater Funding To Protect Transit, Rail and Ports

June 27 - Lieberman Says Appeals Court Decision Reaffirms Opposition To DHS Personnel Changes

June 23 - Lieberman Demands Greater Information Security For DHS Trusted Traveler Programs

June 20 - Lieberman Welcomes Reversal of FEMA Trailer Evictions

June 20 - Democrats Seek Oversight of Iraqi Reconstruction Contracts

June 19 - Lieberman Says Federal Efforts to Ensure Diversity Must Improve

June 16 - Lieberman Says NRP Conclusion is Not Surprising

June 16 - Senators Collins, Lieberman, Coleman and Murray Call on Chertoff to Issue Transporation and Port Security Grant Guidance

June 15 - Senate Homeland SEcurity Committee Unanimously Passes Collins-Lieberman Chemical Security Legislation

June 15 - Lieberman Heralds Advancement Of Chemical Security Bill

June 14 - Lieberman Leads Defeat of Industry's Preemption Amendment to the Chemical Security Bill

June 14 current Press Release

June 14 - Lieberman Calls for Investigation of the Appearance of Widespread Censorship by the Administration on Climate Change Research

June 9 - Some Katrina Victims Get a Break on Unemployment Benefits

June 9 - NASA Admits Wrongdoing in Not Allowing Top Scientist to Discuss Climate Change Research

June 8 - Senate Homeland Security Committee Holds Hearing on Where FEMA Belongs

June 8 - Lieberman Calls for Reinvention, Strengthening of FEMA

June 6 - Lieberman Assails GOP for Refusing to Extend Unemployment Benefits for 2005 Hurricane Victims

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510