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TOC\ Computers & Internet\ Certification Exam Notes 

      Microsoft Exam Notes - Computer Certification **** - A+, Adobe, BookStore, Borland(INPRISE)-Delphi, Choosing Certifications, Cisco, Corel, Computer Based Training, IBM, Informix, IT Jobs, Learning Tree Int'l, Lotus, Microsoft, Net Guru, Novell, Oracle, Salary Surveys, Sun Microsystems, Sybase.   URL:
Certification & Networking Links  - Lots of links to sites on certification, test preparation, drake, sylvan, exam preparation tools, networking, victor dubin, microsoft, novell, netware, cne, mcne, A+, cna, mcp, certification resources.   URL:
CertNotes! **** - CertNotes is dedicated to providing quality technical information for IT professionals in pursuit of vendor certifications. Not just another brain dump site! CertNotes isn't yet another error-rich braindump site. CertNotes brings you useful, top-notch notes to help you pass your exams. These notes are brought to you by leading industry professionals. You'll find plenty of tips and tricks for Micrsoft exam, from TCP/IP to SQL 7. You'll find assitance with your Cisco certification questions. If you are a certified trainer, you'll even find useful resources for your training needs.   URL:
Cram Session **** - CramSession is dedicated to the IT Professional interested in Certification. You might know the type - the person studying to all hours of the morning in preparation for exams - it might even be you.   URL:

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This file last modified: Monday September 22, 2008  4:34 PM