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CERT® Coordination Center **** - At the CERT Coordination Center, we study Internet security vulnerabilities, provide incident response services to sites that have been the victims of attack, publish a variety of security alerts, research security and survivability in wide-area-networked computing, and develop information to help you improve security at your site. The CERT Coordination Center is part of the Networked Systems Survivability Program in the Software Engineering Institute, a federally funded research and development center at Carnegie Mellon University.   URL:
Forum on Risks to the Public in Computers and Related Systems  - ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator. The RISKS Forum is a moderated digest. Its USENET equivalent is comp.risks.   URL:
Microsoft Security Advisor Program **** - Microsoft Security Advisor headlines and security bulletins. A list of security-related issues with Microsoft products.   URL:
PlugIn Datamation IS Managers' Workbench on Security  - An online resource for IT Executives looking for information on network and system security.   URL:
The 7 Top Management Errors that Lead to Computer Security Vulnerabilities  - As determined by the 1,850 computer security experts and managers meeting at the SANS99 and Federal Computer Security Conferences held in Baltimore May 7-14, 1999.   URL:
Windows 2000 Magazine Online - Hotfixes  - General information and links to Hotfixes.   URL:
Windows 2000 Magazine Online - Security  - Windows Security related articles.   URL:
Windows NT and Software Bugs List **** - Here at, we are continuing our growth. We have now launched this section to our site, all of the Windows NT and Windows NT software bugs list. These bugs and sometimes the fixes are listed here for your convenience. Please use this information wisely, Internet can not be held responsible for the usage of the data here which may cause damage if used the wrong way. Please use caution when proceeding.   URL:
ZDNET d e v h e a d -- Security  - Backend security issues.   URL:

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