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Fermilab Layoffs

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Latest Questions & Answers
Posted on May 19, 2008

Layoff Question?
Many employees will have questions about their individual situations in the event they receive layoff notices. At this stage, Fermilab's Human Resources staff lacks the resources to deal with hypothetical individual cases. (Employees who do receive layoff notices will have individual meetings with human resources and benefits specialists to discuss their specific situations.)
Click here to submit a layoff question

Q: Suppose a person was a term employee for several years and finally became full time.  Given that severance pay is dependent on years employed, is the person’s full time employment considered, or total years of employment?

A: Severance benefits are calculated based on the employee’s official service date. In this case, the benefits would be calculated based on the original hire date as a term employee.

Q: If I am laid off and I decide to retire from the lab. I understand I would receive the severance package. Can I also draw unemployment benefits?

A: The laboratory does not determine eligibility. It is determined by the IDES (Illinois department of Employment Security).  Shortly after layoffs, representatives from the IDES will be available to meet with laid off employees through the career transition center, or you may contact your local IDES office.

Q: The answer about help for laid off employees posted on 03/04/2008 states that every person will meet with an HR and Benefits expert, PLUS A VISA EXPERT if necessary ... on the day after notification. The "What will happen .." article says meeting with HR and benefits will happen immediately. May the consultation with the visa expert still be arranged?   

A: Anyone who is in visa status will meet with a member of the International Services group as part of the notification process.

Q: If I am laid off, will my child who is currently receiving The University of Chicago Tuition Remission still be eligible for the scholarship?

A: Unfortunately no. The University of Chicago policy states that the tuition benefit terminates: "the date you are no longer employed by Fermilab."

Q: If I am scheduled to take my furlough the week that the layoffs are announced, is there any way I can find out before my furlough if my name is on the list, or do I have to wait until I get back from furlough to find out?  It would be nice to know so I wouldn't have to take off an extra week without pay unnecessarily.

A: Unfortunately you will not be able to find out ahead of time if you are on the layoff list. Employees who are on furlough the week of layoffs will be notified when they return.

Q: Is the lab going to resume the requirement to wear badges on-site so that we can identify people who might return to the office after being laid off?

A: There are no plans to require employees to wear badges.

last modified 05/19/2008   email Fermilab at Work
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