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September 30 - October 1, 2008, Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC.


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2008 Educational Conference Registration Information
ImageIndiana Township Association, Inc. presents the 2008 Educational Conference November 16-20 Hyatt Regency - Indianapolis.


On behalf of the Board of Directors, we invite you to attend the 2008 Educational Conference at the Hyatt Regency in Indianapolis November 16-20.


As public servants we are grounded through education and experience. At this conference you will have opportunity for a lot of classroom instruction but also have time for networking with other members.

We encourage each trustee, their staff and board members from member townships to attend this conference. We look forward to seeing each of you in November.


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Consolidation Is No Way to Streamline Government

ImageSuppose Indiana government convened a commission on improving the state's economic competitiveness. And suppose one of their recommendations was to consolidate all of the states 659 machine shops into one big company, let's call it Indiana General Tool. The Indiana Chamber of Commerce, the Indiana Manufacturers Association and each of the 659 company owners would rightly protest, perhaps toppling the current administration and upending the General Assembly.

Local Government Consolidation: Why the Savings are Sometimes Disappointing

Why maintain two police departments when you can consolidate into one? Why have two school districts, etc.? On the surface, the advantages of consolidation are obvious. Suppose you have two factories, each with a boss, an accountant, a lawyer, and 100 workers. If you merge the two factories, you don’t need two bosses or two accountants, or two lawyers, and you may not even need all 200 workers. You can cut out the unneeded overhead and save money easily. In organizational theory, the concept is known as economies of scale. Why not apply that to government? The answer is, it won’t always work in government.


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