The Doctors Trial

[from National Archives Record Group 238, M887]

Born March 22, 1909, in Babrzezne, Poland

Father Miechalowski, a Roman Catholic Priest, was arrested along with other Polish priests by the Germans after the invasion of Poland in 1939. He was deported to the Sachsenhausen camp, north of Berlin, and in 1940 was transferred to Dachau concentration camp near Munich, Germany. While in Dachau, Father Miechalowski was selected against his will as a subject for medical experiments. He was intentionally infected with Malaria so that various compounds could be tested. Further, he was subjected to hypothermia experiments. American forces liberated Dachau in April 1945. On December 21, 1946, Father Miechalowski testified for the prosecution at the Doctors Trial about the medical experiments before an American military tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany.

Born March 15, 1909, in Yeroman, Poland

Before World War II, Vladislava Karolewska was a school teacher in Grudenz. In 1939, when the Germans invaded Poland, she moved to Lublin to live with her sister. Karolewska joined the anti-German resistance in Poland and served as a courier. The Germans arrested her in February 1941. She was interrogated in Lublin and then deported to Ravensbrueck concentration camp, north of Berlin in Germany. There, Karolewska was selected against her will as a subject in bone regeneration experiments. After Soviet forces liberated Ravensbrueck, Karolewska returned to Poland, moving to Warsaw. On December 20, 1946, Karolewska testified for the prosecution at the Doctors Trial before an American military tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany.

Excerpts from Father Miechalowski's testimony Excerpts from Karolewska's testimony

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