[NIFL-ESL:8581] Re: Discussion List Etiquette

From: Barb Linek (eslmax@hotmail.com)
Date: Sun Feb 23 2003 - 18:49:57 EST

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From: "Barb Linek" <eslmax@hotmail.com>
To: nifl-esl@nifl.gov
Subject: [NIFL-ESL:8581] Re: Discussion List Etiquette
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It would be helpful if everyone's signature included their email address.  If personal replies were addressed to the individual, it would cut down on the reading time needed each day to keep up with the discussions.

Barb Linek

Project MAX
Adult Education Services Coordinator
(815) 609-9935
----Original Message Follows----
From: "Lynda Terrill" <LTERRILL@CAL.ORG>
Reply-To: nifl-esl@nifl.gov
To: Multiple recipients of list <NIFL-ESL@LITERACY.NIFL.GOV>
Subject: [NIFL-ESL:8577] Discussion List Etiquette
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 15:14:42 -0500 (EST)
Dear NIFL-ESL discussion list participants,
I have literally just gotten up from my sick bed (a mega-flu!) to catch up on the discussion list and found that a certain amount of heated language has slipped onto the list. May I take this opportunity to remind people that this is an un-moderated list--the postings are made directly to the list and are not monitored by me before they are seen by all. This means that respondents need to monitor their own language, tone, and subject matter. Does that mean that ESL (or ESOL) must be discussed only in the most discrete, specific terms with no relation to the events of the world? No. It means that those who write messages need to be polite and non-inflammatory. There are approximately 900 people on this list. We don't and shouldn't agree on all points--whether it is the name of this field we are in, whether war and other disasters are appropriate for discussion on this list, or what software is useful for adult English language learners. However, civility is required. B!
elow, I have copied in the NIFL Netiquette message you received when you signed up for NIFL-ESL. Particularly germane is the section that says, "...learning is promoted by dialogue in a spirit of inquiry, curiosity, and mutual respect. Please conduct your
discussions in that spirit on this list."
On another note, it is just about a month before this year's TESOL convention gets underway in Baltimore, Maryland (March 25-29). Please feel free to list information about presentations you are involved in on the discussion list.
Lynda Terrill, NIFL-ESL Moderator
National Center for ESL Literacy Education
4646 40th St, NW
Washington, DC 20016
202-362-0700, ext. 243
*************NETIQUETTE TIPS****************
o When you join the list, please introduce yourself to other list
o At the end of each message, please include your name, e­mail
address and your program or affiliation. The header information is not
displayed on all mail systems, and including this information will better
allow others to respond to your message.
o Be concise. Messages more than two screens in length are
difficult for some participants to read. Shorter, to­the­point messages
move the discussion along at a lively pace.
o Before you send a reply, consider if it should go to everyone on
the list or just to the person to whose message you are replying. If you
think it will be of general interest, then send it to the list; if not, be
careful to reply only to the message originator. Consider carefully whether
or not the entire original message should be included in your reply.
o When you are replying to a posted message, it helps readers if you
quote the part of the message (usually not the whole message) that you are
replying to. All list readers will then respond to your message in the
proper context.
o If you wish to communicate privately with individuals on the list
rather than publically to all list participants, be sure to reply to an
individual's e­mail address not to the list address.
o Many of us have found that learning is promoted by dialogue in a
spirit of inquiry, curiosity, and mutual respect. Please conduct your
discussions in that spirit on this list.
o E­mail messages typed in all capitals are considered shouting, so
please be considerate.
o Be cautious in using sarcasm on the Internet. Comments made in
jest may not always appear that way to other readers. Because of the
immediate nature of electronic communication, e­mail messages do not always
receive the same examination as other written communication. Sarcastic or
ironic messages can be marked with emoticons, for example a typed grin [i.e.
or ] or with a sideways smiley. [i.e. :) or :­)]

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