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NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) Collection
Catalog of Images

1600 thumbnail picture
Early morning radiation fog
I-40, west of Asheville, North Carolina September, 1976
1601 thumbnail picture
Early morning radiation fog
I-40, west of Asheville, North Carolina September, 1976
1602 thumbnail picture
Fog and rain make for a dreary day.
1603 thumbnail picture
Valley fog and pollution
Near Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
1604 thumbnail picture
Morning smog
1605 thumbnail picture
Morning smog - Photo #1 of sequence
1606 thumbnail picture
Smog clearing in the early afternoon - Photo #2 of sequence
1607 thumbnail picture
After a cold front cleared the air - Photo #3 of sequence
1608 thumbnail picture
A SURVEYOR sunset On board the NOAA Ship SURVEYOR on the way north
Between Seattle and Ketchikan, Inside Passage Ca. 1980
1609 thumbnail picture
A SURVEYOR sunset - Photo #1 of sequence On board the NOAA Ship SURVEYOR on the way north
Straits of Georgia, British Columbia Ca. 1980
1610 thumbnail picture
A SURVEYOR sunset - Photo #2 of sequence On board the NOAA Ship SURVEYOR on the way north
Straits of Georgia, British Columbia Ca. 1980
1611 thumbnail picture
A SURVEYOR sunset - Photo #3 of sequence On board the NOAA Ship SURVEYOR on the way north
Straits of Georgia, British Columbia Ca. 1980
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A SURVEYOR sunset - Photo #4 of sequence On board the NOAA Ship SURVEYOR on the way north
Straits of Georgia, British Columbia Ca. 1980
1613 thumbnail picture
A SURVEYOR sunset - Photo #5 of sequence On board the NOAA Ship SURVEYOR on the way north
Straits of Georgia, British Columbia Ca. 1980
1614 thumbnail picture
A SURVEYOR sunset On board the NOAA Ship SURVEYOR on the way north
Between Seattle and Ketchikan, Inside Passage Ca. 1980
1615 thumbnail picture
A SURVEYOR sunset On board the NOAA Ship SURVEYOR on the way north
Between Seattle and Ketchikan, Inside Passage Ca. 1980
1616 thumbnail picture
A SURVEYOR sunset On board the NOAA Ship SURVEYOR on the way north
Laredo Sound, British Columbia Ca. 1980
1617 thumbnail picture
A SURVEYOR sunset On board the NOAA Ship SURVEYOR on the way north
Between Seattle and Ketchikan, Inside Passage Ca. 1980
1618 thumbnail picture
Cloud reflections on a calm sea On board the NOAA Ship SURVEYOR on the way north
Laredo Sound, British Columbia Ca. 1980
1619 thumbnail picture
Sunset with crepuscular rays
1620 thumbnail picture
Sunset with shadow bands
1621 thumbnail picture
Sunset in the Gulf of Mexico
Sarasota Beach, Florida August, 1976
1622 thumbnail picture
"Cirri ober Ferwolken" In: "Flug Und Wolken", Manfred Curry, Verlag F. Bruckmann, Munchen, 1932.
1623 thumbnail picture
"Stratusoberflache in 1300 m" Bildstelledes preusB. Ministeriums fur Handel u. Gewerbe. In: "Flug Und Wolken", Manfred Curry, Verlag F. Bruckmann, Munchen, 1932.
1624 thumbnail picture
"Wogenwolken" Bildstelledes preusB. Ministeriums fur Handel u. Gewerbe. In: "Flug Und Wolken", Manfred Curry, Verlag F. Bruckmann, Munchen, 1932.
1625 thumbnail picture
"Drei Wolkenformationen ubereinander, Wellenbildungen verscheidener Lange" Captain Alfred G. Buckham. In: "Flug Und Wolken", Manfred Curry, Verlag F. Bruckmann, Munchen, 1932.
1626 thumbnail picture
"Gewitterwolken" Captain Alfred G. Buckham. In: "Flug Und Wolken", Manfred Curry, Verlag F. Bruckmann, Munchen, 1932.
1627 thumbnail picture
"Aufquellender Cumuluskopf" Captain Alfred G. Buckham. In: "Flug Und Wolken", Manfred Curry, Verlag F. Bruckmann, Munchen, 1932.
1628 thumbnail picture
"Die Hohle unter der Wolke" Captain Alfred G. Buckham. In: "Flug Und Wolken", Manfred Curry, Verlag F. Bruckmann, Munchen, 1932.
1629 thumbnail picture
Military aircraft flying over layer of strato-cumulus; cirro-stratus above. In: "Monthly Weather Review," August 1919, p. 523.
1919 Circa
1630 thumbnail picture
Military aircraft flying near towering cumulus. In: "Monthly Weather Review," August 1919, p. 523.
1631 thumbnail picture
The top of the Woolworth Building seen through the fog. In: "Flug Und Wolken", Manfred Curry, Verlag F. Bruckmann, Munchen, 1932.
New York City 1930 Circa
1632 thumbnail picture
A glorious sunset illuminates altocumulus clouds as seen from above.
1994 March
1633 thumbnail picture
An offshore rain shower and a soaring pelican off the beach at Boca Raton.
Boca Raton, Florida 1980 October
1634 thumbnail picture
Rain shaft to left - rainfree base of thunderstorm to right. Photo taken during National Geographic filming of special on cyclones.
Key West, Florida 1993 August
1635 thumbnail picture
A rainbow makes a bright spot in the water. Perhaps there is a pot of gold at end of the rainbow.
Key West, Florida
1636 thumbnail picture
Which way is up? A mirror-smooth sea reflects cumulus clouds on a still morning in the Keys.
1637 thumbnail picture
A rainbow makes a bright spot in the water. Perhaps there is a pot of gold at end of the rainbow.
Key West, Florida
1638 thumbnail picture
Reflections on a mirror-smooth sea make it difficult to determine where the sea begins on a horizonless morning.
Key West, Florida
1639 thumbnail picture
Cumulus building over the Florida Keys.
Dry Tortugas near Key West, Florida
1640 thumbnail picture
Which way is up? A mirror-smooth sea reflects cumulus clouds on a still morning in the Keys.
Dry Tortugas near Key West, Florida
1641 thumbnail picture
Sea and atmosphere merge into one as reflection obscure the horizon on a still Florida Keys morning.
Dry Tortugas near Key West, Florida
1642 thumbnail picture
Clouds caused by gravity waves within meteorological disturbance. Where the wave has a crest, the cloud forms.
Theresa, Wisconsin
1643 thumbnail picture
Clouds caused by gravity waves within meteorological disturbance. wave has a crest, the cloud forms.
Theresa, Wisconsin
1644 thumbnail picture
Clouds caused by gravity waves within meteorological disturbance. wave has a crest, the cloud forms.
Theresa, Wisconsin
1645 thumbnail picture
Sail boat approaching squall line.
Pamlico Sound, North Carolina
1646 thumbnail picture
There was a crooked house following tornado passage at Lawrence. An example of a New England tornado. 8 people were killed and 52 injured in this storm. In: "The Lawrence Tornado of July 26, 1890" by W. M. Davis, et al. 1892. Library Call Number M/1580 D2651.
1647 thumbnail picture
A house whose first floor collapsed following tornado passage at Lawrence. An example of a New England tornado. 8 people were killed and 52 injured. In: "The Lawrence Tornado of July 26, 1890" by W. M. Davis, et al. 1892. Library Call Number M/1580 D2651.
1648 thumbnail picture
Houses whose roofs and sides were removed by the tornado. Note the beds in the left-hand house still sitting in the bedrooms. An example of a New England tornado. In: "The Lawrence Tornado of July 26, 1890" by W. M. Davis, et al. 1892. Library Call Number M/1580 D2651.
1649 thumbnail picture
Results of a hailstorm at Weatherford, Oklahoma.
Weatherford, Oklahoma 1940 July 1

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007