Acid Rain Students Site

Adopt Your Watershed - Educational Resources for Students
Learn about what groups in your area are doing to protect watersheds, and find out how you can help.

America's Wetlands
This site will give you a better understanding of the rich variety of wetlands, their importance, how they are threatened, and what can be done to conserve them for future generations.

Cleanup for Kids
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) designed this site to teach you about oil spills and other hazardous chemical accidents. You will find information about how oil spills can occur and how NOAA works to help clean them up. You'll also find experiments you can do to demonstrate to others the hazards of oil spills.

Coastal Watershed Excursion Exit EPA Disclaimer
Learn all about watersheds in this awesome on-line excursion through the Springs Coast coastal watershed of southwest Florida

EEK! Environmental Education for Kids Exit EPA Disclaimer
An electronic magazine for kids in grades 4-8 and created by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

Exploring Estuaries
Estuaries are sometimes called bays, lagoons, harbors, inlets, or sounds. They are special places where rivers and streams meet the sea. Visit this site to find out about estuaries, the plants and animals that live there and the problems estuaries face today.

Interactive Green Swamp Exit EPA Disclaimer
Learn all about wetlands in this wonderful virtual tour of Florida's Green Swamp!

Nab the Aquatic Invader Exit EPA Disclaimer
Become a detective to learn about invasive species -- different kinds, why they are harmful, how they affect economy and ecosystem.

River Watershed Excursion Exit EPA Disclaimer
Learn all about watersheds in this awesome online excursion through the Hillsborough River watershed of southwest Florida.

Sewage in your face Exit EPA Disclaimer
Get to the bottom of sewage in an interactive and fun way.

TEACH: Environment Exit EPA Disclaimer
Why do water levels change in the Great Lakes? What fish do people catch there, and what's threatening one of the world's largest freshwater fisheries? Learn about the environment of the Great Lakes region and the environmental issues there.

Water Science for Schools
From the US Geological Survey.

Water Treatment Process
Follow a drop of water from the source through the treatment process.