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July 12, 2004

MEMORANDUM TO: Chairman Diaz
Commissioner McGaffigan
Commissioner Merrifield
FROM: Luis A. Reyes /RA/
Executive Director for Operations

In accordance with SECY-03-0064, “Options for Communicating Security Matters Effectively with the General Public in Meetings,” and the associated Staff Requirements Memorandum, dated October 1, 2003, the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response has scheduled a public meeting to communicate security-related matters on August 4, 2004. Attachment 1 is the staff’s revised meeting agenda, which incorporates Commission’s comments. Attachment 2 contains the associated talking points for your approval. The meeting notice has been published on the NRC web site.

SECY Please Track

Attachments: As stated

cc w/atts:


Public Meeting on Security Matters

Revised Meeting Agenda

August 4, 2004

12:30 PM Registration
1:00 PM

Introduction and Meeting Format

  • Meeting Purpose and Objectives
  • Meeting Format
Francis Cameron
1:15 PM Opening Remarks
  • Challenges of Communicating Security Matters with the Public Without Releasing Sensitive Information
  • Integrated Approach Toward Safety, Security, and Emergency Response
Roy Zimmerman
1:30 PM Q&A and Comments Francis Cameron Public
1:40 PM Overview of NRC Security Activities
  • NRC Review and Approval of Security Plans
  • Information Security
  • Baseline Security Inspection Program
  • Force-on-Force Exercises
  • Vulnerability Assessment and Consequence Analysis
  • Security Response and Preparedness
  • Radioactive Materials Security
  • Regulatory Stability
Glenn Tracy
2:40 PM
  • Q&A on NRC Security ActivitiesIntegrated Response Planning (IRP)
Francis Cameron Public
3:10 PM
  • Agency Roles and Responsibilities
  • Approach
    • Force-on-Force Exercises
    • Crisis and Consequence Management
    • Inspection and Oversight
  • Looking Forward
Alan Madison
3:30 PM Q&A on Integrated Response Planning Francis Cameron Public
3:40 PM Public Comment Francis Cameron
4.40 PM Closing Remarks & Future Meetings Roy Zimmerman
4:50 PM Adjourn

AUGUST 4, 2004


Roy Zimmerman

  • Welcome - an opportunity to:
    • describe our efforts to date, and
    • to hear your issues

  • NRC's Actions to date
    • Serious about security before 9/11
    • Many steps taken since 9/11
    • Extensive actions by industry

  • Public awareness and confidence is also important
    • challenges in communicating sensitive information to public
    • this poses challenges in getting informed input from the public
    • there are even challenges in communicating with licensees (in Classified space)
    • some licensees officials have rec'd national security clearances

  • Integrated approach to safety, security, and emergency response
    • establishment of NSIR
    • recent move of EPPO to NSIR
    • at Federal level: NRC is a member of HSC's Policy Coordinating Committee on Integrated Response Planning

  • Closing
    • ongoing efforts to improve
      • regulatory changes and orders
      • independent actions by licensees
    • NRC is committed to its goal of protecting the public health and safety
    • Meetings such as this enhance our ability to carry out our goals


Glenn Tracy

  • Overview of NRC Security Activities
    • NRC Review and Approval of Security Plans
    • Information Security
    • Baseline Security Inspection Program
    • Force-on-Force Exercises
    • Vulnerability Assessments and Consequence Analyses
    • Security Response and Preparedness
    • Radioactive Materials Security
    • Regulatory Stability

  • NRC Review and Approval of Security Plans
    • 2003 Reactor Security Orders
      • Access Authorization
      • Training and Qualifications
      • Security Officer Work-Hour Limits
      • Revised Design Basis Threat
    • Development of Guidance Documents
    • Approval of Templates for Security Plans
    • NRC Review and Approval Process
      • 192 new Security, Contingency, and Training and Qualification Plans
      • Review in progress and on schedule

  • Information Security
    • Appropriate balance in disclosure
    • Security findings in ROP no longer public
    • Licensee Clearance Program
    • Challenge: Education of NRC staff, licensees, public and other stakeholders
      • Publicly available information
      • Sensitive unclassified information
      • Classified information

  • Baseline Security Inspection Program
    • Development of revised program in concert with Regions and NRR
    • Separate but parallel ROP process for physical protection - information not publicly available
    • Commensurate inspection resource increase
    • Completion of nationwide training in Jan 2004
    • Commencement of program in February 2004
    • Issued Provisional Physical Protection Significance Determination Process
    • Revision of performance indicators
  • Force-on-Force Exercises
    • Initial Post-9/11 enhanced pilot Force-on- Force (FOF) exercise program complete
    • Transitional FOF exercise program in progress (4 FOF exercises per region)
    • Fully enhanced FOF program by Nov 2004
    • Areas of focus:
      • Use of laser-simulation weapons
      • Adversary realism
      • Controller training
      • Exercise format and content

  • Vulnerability Assessments and Consequence Analyses
    • Detailed analyses addressing a broad range of threats
    • Broad use of NRC and contractor expertise
    • Continued development of mitigative strategies to minimize potential security vulnerabilities

  • Security Response and Preparedness
    • Coordination among the key on-site and off- site responders is essential
    • Enhanced sharing of threat information
    • Ongoing exercises of capabilities, roles and responsibilities incorporating key assets
    • Focus upon interagency integrated response planning and implementation
    • Considerations beyond DBT

  • Radioactive Materials Security
    • Coordination with the States via Materials Security Working Group and Steering Committee
    • Security Measures for Panoramic Irradiators issued by Order dated June 13, 2003
    • Security Measures for Manufacturing and Distribution (M&D) Licensees issued by Order dated January 12, 2004
    • Protective Measures for Medium-Priority Licensee Groups Underway
    • 274i Agreement with Agreement States

  • Regulatory Stability
    • Transition from policy development to implementation
    • Incorporation of insights from vulnerability assessments and mitigation strategies
    • Review of revised security plans and associated licensing activities
    • Discipline and consistency in inspection activities and the resolution of findings
    • Codification of existing requirements through rulemaking


Alan Madison

  • Agency Roles and Responsibilities
    • Homeland Security Council
    • Department of Homeland Security
    • Coordinate and participate in integrated response activities with various stakeholders
      • NRC
      • Department of Defense, e.g. NORAD, NORTHCOM
      • State and local government officials
      • Licensees
    • Provide input to the National Response Plan and the National Infrastructure Protection Plan

  • Approach
    • Force-on-Force Exercises
    • Crisis and Consequence Management
      • Seamless joining of first response and consequence management protocols
      • Cross-cutting tabletop exercises
    • Inspection and Oversight
      • Development of inspection tools
      • Recurring activities

  • Looking Forward

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