Our Programs
Hero Miles
Scholarships for
Military Children
Newman's Own Award

With your support, we have provided more than 16,000 tickets to Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom hospitalized service members and their families, worth more than $21 million (average savings per ticket is currently about $1,300).

How to Donate Miles | Watch the Hero Miles video

The nonprofit Fisher House Foundation administers the "Hero Miles" program for the Department of Defense in accordance with Public Law 108-110, the FY 05 Defense Authorization Act. The program is comprised of individual airlines whose passengers donate their frequent flyer miles to assist service members and their families. Specifically, Fisher House Foundation provides free airline tickets to military men and women who are undergoing treatment at a military or VA medical center incident to their service in Iraq or Afghanistan, and their families.

There are two categories of eligible recipients:

  • Service men and women with an approved leave of five or more days may be given a free round trip airline ticket for a trip from the medical center to their home and return if they are not eligible for government funded airfare.
  • Qualifying service men and women may be given free round trip airline tickets to enable their family or close friends to visit them while they are being treated at the medical center.


Download Airline Fact Sheet (Acrobat PDF)

Fisher House™ is proud to partner with Hero Miles in support of our wounded and injured service men and women and their families. We have partnerships with the following airlines:

Please note that our agreements with individual airlines only permit airline tickets for military (or DoD civilian employees) hospitalized as a result of their service in Iraq, Afghanistan, or surrounding areas, and their families. These tickets can not be used for R&R travel, ordinary leave, emergency leave, or other travel not related to a medical condition.

New! Hero Miles Frequently Asked Questions

Read a press release about this program

Public Service Announcement (Adobe PDF)

How to Donate Miles

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111 Rockville Pike, Suite 420 | Rockville, MD 20850
Fisher House™ Foundation is a not-for-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.