Kennedy Biographies

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Conrad G. Nagel
Chief, Shuttle Project Office
Shuttle Processing Directorate

Conrad G. Nagel, Chief of the Shuttle Project Office, is responsible for the management and technical direction of 62 engineers. His organization has management responsibility for NASA Shuttle Processing activities relating to launch and landing executions, manifest planning, and the integration of engineering and processing tasks.

Mr. Nagel joined the Government at Redstone Arsenal, Ala., in 1963 after three years in the U.S. Army. In 1965, he joined NASA at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and transferred into Saturn Vehicle Operations in 1966, participating in Saturn I and Saturn V missions with a primary responsibility to coordinate launch vehicle mission rules. After Saturn-Apollo missions were complete, Mr. Nagel assumed a primary responsibility for Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) site activation for Shuttle operations. Following VAB site activation, Mr. Nagel became Branch Chief of the Planning and Control Branch for two years, responsible for developing plans and schedules for Shuttle missions at KSC. In May 1985, he was assigned as the Atlantis Flow Director, responsible for the management, coordination and direction of 20 successful processing flows of Atlantis at KSC. 

Mr. Nagel received NASA Exceptional Service Medals in 1975 and in 1991. In 2000, he was honored by the Space Congress by receiving the Space Congress Achievement Award. He has received the Snoopy Award and numerous other awards and honors. 

Currently residing in Merritt Island, Fla., Mr. Nagel is married to the former Judith Smith of Titusville. He has five children, four daughters and a son. Mr. Nagel received a degree in Engineering Physics in 1960 from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. 

Mr. Nagel is very active at the First Baptist Church of Merritt Island, serving as the church treasurer. Conrad is involved with married couples in Bible Study and has held numerous other positions of responsibility at First Baptist Church.

December 2002

Biograhies - Current Employees