Other Cool Websites

Entomology Websites

Brown Recluse Spider
Xerces Society
Forest Entomology Websites
Bugbios: shameless promotion of insect appreciation
Gordon's Entomological HomePage
Resources dealing with Entomology
Entomology on the Web
Entomology for Kids
Young Entomologists Society

Insect Images

forest insect images ForestryImages
USFS forest insect images USDA Forest Service, PNW Region
forest & shade insect images Clemson University
Clemson University Arthropod Collection
NAL forest insect images National Agricultural Library
Iowa State University's list
BugBios images

Please Note: This website is managed by the Forest Health Protection group, Natural Resources, Pacific Northwest Region, USDA Forest Service in Portland, Oregon. Most of these links are not Forest Service sites, and many do not have links back to our site. Please send comments or suggestions to the websteward.

Disclaimer: Links on this page do not constitute an endorsement of the content of any website not managed by the Forest Health Protection group. We provide these links solely as information resources.

This webpage was last updated on July 14, 2008.

horizontal rule with trees

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