Cross Section Evaluation Working Group ( CSEWG) and US Nuclear Data Program ( USNDP) Meetings '2004

National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Berkner Hall B and C
CSEWG: November 2 - 4, 2004 (Tuesday - Thursday)
USNDP: November 3 - 5, 2004 (Wednesday - Friday)


Important:    All participants must register. Foreign nationals must register
at least 4 weeks before the meeting for approval to enter BNL premises.

List of Registered Participants
  • On November 1, 2004, Monday, there will be a meeting on Nuclear Data
    for Criticality Safety (R. McKnight chair, by invitation only)
  • Presentations should be prepared in PowerPoint using standard fonts. If PowerPoint is not available or suitable for the contribution, please convert to PDF embedding all fonts if standard fonts are not used.
  • Please e-mail your contributions to Boris Pritychenko ( by October 26, 2004 noting which sessions the presentations are for.
  • Laboratory reports should cover through September 30, 2004.
P. Oblozinsky, NNDC
Status November 23, 2004
Nov 2, 2004, Tuesday

  • 8:30-8:40, Berkner B: CSEWG Opening, P. Oblozinsky
  • 8:45-10:45, Berkner B: Formats and Processing (M. Greene chair)

    I.   Format Issues for ENDF/B-VII (1 h)
    1. Status report on the compact covariance matrix format, Larson
    2. Status report on the Reich-Moore extended format, Larson
    3. WPEC format proposals, Trkov
    4. Format for Post-fission Beta-delayed Photons, Brown
    II.  Processing Codes (45')
    1. NJOY, MacFarlane
    2. AMPX, Dunn
    3. LLNL Codes, McNabb
    4. ANL Codes, McKnight
    III. Other Items (15')
    1. Corrections and Revisions to ENDF-102, Dunford and others
    2. Status of Checking Codes, Dunford
    3. New Nuclear Data Format, McNabb
    4. Current Projects of IAEA, Trkov

  • 13:00-14:00, Berkner A: Working lunch of the CSEWG Executive Committee

    1. ENDF/B-VII release
    2. ENDF/B-VII paper
    3. WPEC matters
    4. Next meeting
    5. Minutes
Nov 3, 2004, Wednesday

  • 14:00-14:10, Berkner B: USNDP Opening, P. Oblozinsky

Nov 4, 2004, Thursday

  • 10:45-12:30, Berkner C: USNDP Structure WG (C. Baglin chair)

    1. Completion of discussion of previous afternoon's topics, if relevant
    2. Discussion of any structure/decay topics emerging from Homeland Security session
    3. Did this year's meeting schedule work or do we need a different schedule next year? (5')

  • 13:00-14:00, Berkner A: Working lunch of the USNDP Coordinating Committee

    1. Reporting and planning: New format?
    2. New chairman of reaction WG
    3. Budget briefing
    4. ENSDF evaluations and related initiatives
    5. Format and date of the next meeting
Nov 5, 2004, Friday

  • 8:30-12:00, Berkner B: USNDP Concluding Session (P. Oblozinsky, chair)

    1. Reporting, coordination and planning
      • Annual report FY04 (Dunford)
      • Workplan FY06 (Dunford)
      • Coordination
    2. Proposals
    3. Budget briefing (Oblozinsky)
      • Issues
      • Initiatives
    4. Next meeting
    5. Minutes
    6. Other business

  • 12:00 USNDP adjourns

Last updated by Boris Pritychenko on November 23, 2004.