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Loss and degradation of habitat is a major threat to fish and wildlife. Restoration of habitats is a way to reverse these losses. Examples of restoration activities include:

bullet Removing invasive, exotic plants and planting native species;
bullet Reconnecting coastal marshes to tidal flows;
bullet Re-establishing a wetland by reshaping the land's surface and ensuring that the area receives   and holds the right amount of water;
bullet Recreating natural stream features that benefit fish and other aquatic species; and,
bullet Restoring natural areas injured by oil spills or other types of pollutants.

We have several programs that partner with public or private landowners, providing such things as financial or technical assistance, to restore habitats to a healthier state. To find out more about our involvement in habitat restoration, you may wish to visit the following sites:

Working with private landowners to restore habitat

Restoring natural resources injured by contamination

Restoring access to habitat

Working with partners on a fish habitat initiative that includes habitat restoration

Restoring Coastal Habitats

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