SR/SSD 96-33


Technical Attachment

GS-1340 Meteorology Series

Use these individual occupational requirements in conjunction with the "Group Coverage Qualification Standard for Professional and Scientific Positions."

Basic Requirements:

A. Degree: Meteorology, atmospheric science, or other natural science major that included:

1. At least 24 semester (36 quarter) hours of credit in meteorology/atmospheric science including a minimum of:

a. Six semester hours of atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics.*

b. Six semester hours of analysis and prediction of weather systems (synoptic/mesoscale).

c. Three semester hours of physical meteorology.

d. Two semester hours of remote sensing of the atmosphere and/or instrumentation.

2. Six semester hours of physics, with at least one course that includes laboratory sessions.*

3. Three semester hours of ordinary differential equations.*

4. At least nine semester hours of course work appropriate for a physical science major in any combination of three or more of the following: physical hydrology, statistics, chemistry, physical oceanography, physical climatology, radiative transfer, aeronomy, advanced thermodynamics, advanced electricity and magnetism, light and optics, computer science.

* There is a prerequisite or corequisite of calculus for course work in atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics, physics, and differential equations. Calculus courses must be appropriate for a physical science major.


B. Combination of education and experience--course work as shown in A above, plus appropriate experience or additional education.

Ed. note: This technical attachment was included with the 5-1-96 issue of Southern Topics; however, the highlighted requirement for dynamics course work was inadvertently omitted.