Frank T. Coffyn, aviator |
Frank Coffyn was born in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1878. The son of a
wealthy banker, he became fascinated with flight after witnessing the
flights of Louis Paulhan in New York in December 1909. His father was
acquainted with one of the Wright Company board executives, and arranged a
meeting between Coffyn and Wilbur Wright. Wilbur invited Coffyn to Dayton,
where he began flight instruction in May, 1910.
Coffyn stayed with the Wright exhibition team until December of 1910, flying
in public exhibitions in Indianapolis, Montreal, Atlantic City, Asbury Park,
and many other venues. He was a close friend of many of the other Wright
pilots, including Walter Brookins, Ralph Johnstone, and Arch Hoxsey. He was
often accompanied on the exhibitions by his wife, Louise Adams, and their
young son Kingsland. Coffyn was known as a cautious and reliable aviator,
staying well within the guidelines of safe flights established by the