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                                UNITED STATES
                           WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555

                              February 18, 1981


          (GENERIC LETTER 81-10) 


On October 31, 1980, the NRC staff sent you a clarification letter (NUREG-
0737) regarding approved TMI Action Plan items which deferred clarification 
of item III.A.1.2, upgrade Emergency Support Facilities. The Commission has 
now finalized it's position with respect to location and habitability 
requiremtns for the Emergency Operations Facility and staffing levels for 
emergency situations. Clarification on these issues is enclosed. In the near
future, we expect to issue further guidance for emergency response 
facilities in connection with finalization of NUREG-0696. Implementation 
schedules for related items affected by the issuance of NUREG-0696 will be 
set forth at that time. 

It is expected that the requirements contained herin will be met. 
Accordingly, you are requested to furnish, within forty-five (45) days of 
this letter, confirmation that the implementation dates indicated in 
Enclosure 1 will be met. For any date that cannot be met, furnish a proposed
revised date, and justification for the delay. 

This request for information was approved by GAO under a blanket clearance 
number R0072 which expires November 30, 1983. Comments on burden and 
duplication may be directed to the U. S. General Accounting Office, 
Regulatory Reports Review, Room 5106, 441 G Street, N. W., Washington,D.C. 


                         Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director 
                         Division of Licensing 
                         Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 

As Stated 



Each operating nuclear plant shall maintain an onsite technical support 
center (TSC) separate from and in close proximity to the control room that 
has the capability to display and transmit plant status to those individuals
who are knowledgeable of and responsibile for engineering and management 
support of reactor operations in the event of an accident. The center shall 
be habitable to the same degree as the control room for postulated accident 
conditions. The licensee shall revise his emergency plans as encessary to 
incorporate the role and location of the TSC. Records that pertain to the 
as-bulit conditions and layout of structures, systems, and components shall 
be readily available to personnel in the TSC. 

An operational support center (OSC) shall be established separate from the 
control room and other energency response facilities as a place where 
operations support personnel can assemble and report in an emergency 
situation to receive instructions from the operating staff. Communications 
shall be provided between the OSC, TSC, EOF, and control room. 

An emergency operations facility (EOF) will be operated by the licensee for 
continued evaluation and corrdination of all licensee activities related to 
an emergency having or potentially having environmental consequences. 

Changes to Previous Requirements and Guidance 

(1)  NUREG-0696, "Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities," to
     be issued shortly,will provide more detailed design and functional 

(2)  Table III.A.1.2-1 (Table B-1 to NUREG-0654, Revision 1), establishes 
     staffing levels for emergency situations. The revision of NUREG-0654 
     establishes staging of staffing for 30 to 60 minutes rather than 
     requiring capability for required augmentation at 30 minutes. The 
     implementation schedule for licensed operators and STA on shift shall 
     be as specified in Task Action Item I.A.1.3. Any deficiencies must be 
     fully removed by July 1, 1982. 

(3)  Implementation schedule has been changed. 

(4)  Establishes a requirment to submit emergency response facilities (ERFs)
     conceptual design information by June 1, 1981. 

(5)  Establishes guidance on ROF location and habitability 

                                III.A.1.2-1                          3-186a 


NUREG-0696 was issued in draft for comment. The staff has analyzed the 
comments, prepared the final version for Commission review, and will issue 
the final version of NUREG-0696 in the near future. 

NUREG-0696, "Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities," will 
porvide more detail design and functional criteria than previously 
prescribed. The operational date for the final emergency response facilities
has been changed to October 1, 1982. The interim TSC and EOF completed by 
January 1, 1980 shall continue to be operated until the upgraded facilities 
become fully operational. 

An emergency operations facility (EOF) will be operated by the licensee for 
continued evaluation and coordination of all licensee activities related to 
an emergency having or potentially haveing environmental consequences. The 
criteria regarding the location and habitability of the EOF is given in 
Table III.A.1.2-2. 


This requirement applies to all operating reactors and applicants for 
operating license. 


For operating reactors, the upgraded emergency response facilities 
conceptual design shall be submitted by June 1, 1981. For operating license 
applications, such design information should be provided in connection with 
the OL review process. The upgraded facilities shall be operational by 
October 1, 1982, for all facilities licensed for operation prior to that 
date. For OL expected to be issued after October 1, 1982, the upgraded 
facilities shall be operational prior to receiving an operating license. 

Type of Review 

A pre-implementation review of the conceptual design submittals will be 
performed. A post-implementation review will be performed for the October 1,
1982 requirement. 

Documentation Required 

Facility conceptual design description shall be provided by June 1, 1981 

(1)  Task functions of the individuals required to report to the TSC and EOF
     upon activation and for each emergency class; and 

(2)  Descriptions of TSC instrumentation, instrument quality, instrument 
     accuracy and reliability. 

(3)  Descriptions of TSC power supply systems, power supply quality, 
     reliability and availability, and consequences of power supply 

(4)  Descriptions of the design of the TSC data display systems, plant 
     records and data available and record management systems. 

(5)  Descriptions of the data transmission system to be installed between 
     the TSC and control room. 

(6)  Description of data to be provided to the EOF. 

                                III.A.1.2-2                          3-186b